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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 729 No Escape
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"let's get going, we don't want to waste too much time here…"

Having stayed beneath the mature poisonous devil tree for a few minutes as both of the them had managed to recover a bit of their energy and calm down, the senior brother took the lead as he said this before beginning to carefully take a few of the mature poisonous devil tree's leaves before placing them inside a small wooden container.


Not saying anything upon hearing what her senior brother said followed by the sound of the him carefully breaking off the leaves of the tree, the junior sister just looked towards the direction they had come from with a sad expression on her face.

Even if she understood that there was nothing she could do about the junior brother who had yet to show up, she still couldn't help being filled with sadness when thinking about what might have happened to him.

"Haaa…" Letting out a sigh as she slowly got up, the junior sister glanced one last time towards the direction they had come from before turning around to help out her senior brother with gathering the leaves of the mature poisonous devil tree.

The faster they finished harvesting the leaves, the faster they would be able to leave and find out if their junior brother had gotten out safely!

This… Where am I…?

At the same time the senior brother and junior sister were preparing to make their way back outside the forest of poisonous devil trees the junior  brother that had gone missing slowly opened his eyes with a look of confusion plastered all over his face.

"I clearly remember walking towards my senior brother and then… I can't remember?" Muttering this to himself as he slowly got up from the ground, the young boy could not understand what was happening as he looked around himself-


However, all he was met with was the corpse of a massive corpse of a toad like demon beast towering more than five meters into the air. Even without understanding how strong the dead toad was, the young boy could clearly sense the powerful aura around it-

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"Domain Lord Realm demon beast!?"

For this reason, he could not help exclaiming in surprise upon realizing just how powerful the dead demon beast in front of him was.

Not to mention the fact that the dead demon beast should have reached the Domain Lord Realm, the strength of its aura far surpassed that of Elder Proud Bear who had reached the First Stage of the Domain Lord Realm!

Feeling a shiver run down his spine as he began wondering how such a powerful demon beast had ended up dying, the young boy completely forgot about the fact that he had been inside the forest of poisonous devil trees, while covered from head to toe in devil bugs just a second ago.

There is another corpse in the distance… No, two- three- seven- W-why are there so many dead demon beasts!?

Slowly calming down as he began to look around himself, the young boy soon started panicking even more than before, as he realized that there wasn't just one or two powerful dead demon beasts around him. Instead, it would be more accurate to say that there was at least a dozen corpse belonging to powerful demon beasts that all gave off a terrifying aura far surpassing that of Elder Proud Bear!

"W-where is this place!?" Barely able to say this as he was filled with dread when facing the massive corpses of demon beasts whose remaining aura alone was enough to make him almost throw up blood on the spot, the young boy tried to more thoroughly inspect his surroundings to get an idea about where he had ended up…

The eerie silence, the swampy ground he was standing on and the ever-present miasma making it hard to see more than a few hundred meters away from his current location…

After just a quick look, it was obvious to the young boy that he was still inside the Great Poison Swamp.

Now the question just became, where in the Great Poison Swamp?

However, given the strength of the dead demon beasts in front of him, the young boy already understood at the back of his mind that there was only one place where such powerful demon beasts could gather in such numbers inside the Great Poison Swamp… The core region of the swamp!


Given his current strength having just recently reached the Core Formation Realm, the young boy also understood very well his chances of leaving the core region of the Great Poison Swamp.

Not to mention the danger posed by the demon beasts, any random insect inside the core region would have a poison more than potent enough to kill someone in the Nascent Soul Realm, let alone someone who had just recently reached the Core Formation Realm!


As he was getting more and more depressed thinking about just how little chance, he had of escaping alive, the young boy suddenly noticed something in the distance shining through the thick miasma of the Great Poison Swamp.


Feeling a weird sense of attraction coming from the light in the distance that had managed to pierce through the thick miasma, the young boy unconsciously began moving towards it. Soon getting swallowed up by the mist, as only the dead corpses of the once powerful demon beasts remained in the location that the young boy had suddenly appeared not more than a few minutes earlier.


Why are they all moving in the same direction as me!?

As the young boy had suddenly found himself inside the core region, Xuan Hao was desperately trying his best to escape from the battle that was getting closer and closer to him with each passing second.


Just at this moment, Xuan Hao felt a shiver run down his spine before narrowly dodging a massive spear shaped rock filled with a terrifying amount of energy that landed right next to him


Seeing the spear that had landed right next to him suddenly start collapsing as the energy inside the spear started gathering together with a power that had already far surpassed that of the Domain Lord Realm, Xuan Hao understood that there would be no way for him to defend himself without revealing himself to the people busy fighting behind him-



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Fully utilizing the power of his domain, Xuan Hao encapsulated himself in a layer of ice that protected him against the explosion… But in turn, this also ended up revealing himself to the people who were busy fighting behind him…


Hearing everything go quiet for a short moment after he had defended himself with no signs of movement, Xuan Hao decided to use this moment of confusion that had emerged to continue heading in the opposite direction of where the battle had been taking place!


Even if he didn't believe he could escape before those people caught up to him, he would at the very least be able to make some distance between himself and them. If he was lucky, he might even be able to stumble upon some special location inside the core region of the Great Poison Swamp that he could use to hide himself and avoid getting involved in the conflict between the group of Soul Ascension Realm Experts!




However, sensing the speed of the people who had now given up on fighting as they instead focused on chasing after him, Xuan Hao could not help silently cursing to himself as he realized just how much of a difference there was between his own speed and theirs.

If just I could use the Drifting Cloud Steps I would be able to easily escape these people… With this speed, let alone buying a few minutes, they will likely catch up to me in a few seconds… Should I use the Drifting Cloud Steps and hope to not accidently take a wrong step and get teleported a few meters into the air?

Shaking his head as this thought emerged, Xuan Hao could not help silently cursing the restricting power that covered the Great Poison Swamp.

"Hm? What is that…?"

However, just as Xuan Hao was about to ready himself to face the Soul Ascension Realm Experts that were chasing after him, a weird light suddenly pierced through the thick miasma in front of him. Catching him slightly off guard.

"The disc is complete! Don't let those demons get their hands on it, the person ahead is likely on of their accomplice!"


Hearing a loud roar from the distance followed by a terrifying aura sweeping towards him, Xuan Hao could not help silently cursing to himself as it seemed like he had somehow been bunched up with one of the sides that were fighting behind him.

Not only that, but the person who had tied him to one of the sides fighting had sent forth a powerful attack that far surpassed the exploding earth spear from earlier!