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Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 803 Focusing on Cultivation
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Chapter 803 Focusing on Cultivation

In the South Pavilion 3609 Dominion, Xu Jingming's territory flourished with remarkable prosperity. Countless high-dimensional beings from distant dominions flocked to settle in Myriad Star City and engage in bustling trade.

As an Eternal of the Heart Realm lineage, Xu Jingming had stumbled upon Feather Fire City after traversing space for 1,500 years. However, in those bygone days, only a handful of formidable half-step third-realm powerhouses from the South Pavilion 3609 Dominion had managed to reach Feather Fire City via the Abyss. The great distance between them was unmistakable.

Now, having established his own territory, Xu Jingming naturally drew an immense throng of high-dimensional lifeforms hailing from the millions of surrounding dominions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Within a hidden enclave of his territory, Xu Jingming's true form sat in unbound meditation, his imposing figure surpassing even the tallest mountains within the realm.

Billions of elites in human history have become new high-dimensional lifeforms. Their evolution demands copious resources. As he ruminated, an abundance of resources materialized and condensed around him.

Red Lotus Flowers blossomed, and ice crystallized in vast quantities. Countless Primordial Gold Beads condensed and spread, covering the ground like an endless sea of sand.

At the third realm, their word was law, allowing them to alter the rules to some extent.

Most precious treasures could be fashioned by third-realm powerhouses through the manipulation of their nomological powers, expending energy to shape them. The resources condensed rapidly, reaching staggering levels.

With such abundant resources, it should sustain billions of high-dimensional human lifeforms for a considerable period, Xu Jingming affirmed, shifting his gaze through the ethereal barrier.

His daughter, Xu Lixing, bore the responsibility of managing these bountiful resources.

Previously, Xu Jingming had enlisted the assistance of the dean and others to select an individual capable of overseeing these valuable assets. In the end, they had chosen Xu Jingming's own daughter. After all, any mishaps with these resources would prove troublesome, and with a relative like Xu Lixing in charge, Xu Jingming could rectify any errors.

Hmm? Xu Jingming watched in surprise. Lixing appears to be in a state of smoldering anger.

At the old residence.

"Grandmother, we acknowledge our mistake."

"Grandmother, this is our first transgression. Grant us an opportunity to rectify our errors."

Two men kneeled before her, pleading.

Xu Lixing regarded them, her heart torn between anguish and fury. "Father constructed Stars City and nurtured billions of human prodigies. The laws of Stars City have long been publicized. I have admonished everyone repeatedly to abide by these laws, for if they don't… I shall not show clemency. Never did I anticipate that the two of you would transgress them so swiftly!"

Meng Tian, Xu Fangjin and his wife, and Xu Biyun and her husband stood in silence nearby.

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"Grandmother, give us another chance. We truly comprehend our wrongdoing!" The two men kneeled and implored her.

"Since you acknowledge your misdeed, you must accept the consequences," Xu Lixing uttered, her gaze frigid. "You shall be incarcerated within the Dark Prison for a span of 100,000 years—an already lenient punishment."

"One hundred thousand years!"

One of the men erupted in anger. "Grandmother, during our days as low-dimensional lifeforms, our entire lifespan amounted to a mere 30,000 years! We had aspired to extend it to 100,000 years, but you granted us no opportunity. And now, with our great-grandfather reaching the exalted third realm, we were revived and elevated to high-dimensional existences! My great-grandfather is a third-realm entity, and the entire wealth of the human race belongs to him! What harm is there in allowing me to possess more resources? Must you be so exacting? One hundred thousand years… I shall encounter no living beings throughout my time in the Dark Prison, languishing alone… Grandmother, have you experienced such desolation? You dare label that a lenient punishment!"

"Silence!" Meng Tian bellowed, his voice icy and wrathful.

"I refuse to accept it," the man retorted, defiantly lifting his head.

"Jin'an!" Xu Fangjin and Dodo'an stared at their son in astonishment.

"It's merely a trifling amount of resources. I would concede if you were to imprison me for a few years, but I cannot bear the thought of languishing in the Dark Prison for 100,000 years!" The man, Xu Jin'an, locked eyes with his grandmother.

His younger brother nodded in agreement. "I, too, cannot accept it! Our transgression was not of grave magnitude, yet we are condemned to 100,000 years of imprisonment? I have lived a mere 30,000 years thus far."

Xu Lixing's gaze turned icy. "In light of Xu Jin'an and Xu Jinfeng's refusal to repent, they shall face severe retribution—a sentence of 200,000 years within the Dark Prison!"

With a wave of her hand, an invisible force enshrouded her two grandsons.



Xu Jin'an and Xu Jinfeng found themselves incredulous, helpless against the might of Spacetime Teleportation as they were whisked away to one of the Dark Prisons within the territory.

The desolate Dark Prison comprised separate chambers.

Xu Jin'an and Xu Jinfeng found themselves confined to individual prison cells. Their surroundings enveloped in inky blackness, devoid of any signs of life.

"Grandmother has succumbed to madness. Utter madness." Xu Jin'an slumped against the prison walls, still grappling with the sheer incredibility of his sentence.

"Two hundred thousand years is an unbearably long time," Xu Jinfeng lamented, engulfed in despair. At a mere 30,000 years of age, the prospect of enduring 200,000 years within the Dark Prison sent shivers of fear down his spine.

In the old residence.

Xu Lixing's anger remained unabated. Her piercing gaze swept across Xu Fangjin and his wife, as well as Xu Biyun and her husband.

"The revival we have experienced and the abundance of resources bestowed upon us are the very desires of countless high-dimensional beings," Xu Lixing declared. "But you are all well aware of the sacrifices my father has made for this."

"Yes." Xu Fangjin and his wife, along with Xu Biyun and her husband, nodded in agreement. They had been present when Feuilla and Red Jade Traveler arrived, thus being privy to the wager.

It was a wager between Ultimate existences.

"We have been shielded thus far, yet the cost is borne by Father," Xu Lixing stated coldly. "Father must remain focused on his path of evolution. I will not permit anyone to hinder him."

"Ever since the laws were established, severe punishment awaits those who transgress them. And if a member of the Xu family violates these laws, they shall face dire consequences." Xu Lixing's gaze shifted to her children. "For your mistakes will invariably impact Father."

"We understand." Xu Fangjin and his wife, along with Xu Biyun and her husband, nodded solemnly.

"Lixing, come to me," a voice suddenly resounded within Xu Lixing's mind.

"Yes, Father," Xu Lixing responded, taking a step forward and departing from the old residence.

In the concealed realm within the territory, Xu Lixing arrived and beheld her father's colossal true form, seated in a cross-legged position. His immense stature surpassed that of the entire universe, rendering her diminutive in comparison.


Li Miaomiao traversed the space and appeared before them.

"Mom," Xu Lixing addressed her mother.

"Lixing, do you see the myriad of rare treasures here?" Xu Jingming's true form directed his gaze toward his daughter. A hidden force coalesced into a book, which levitated before her. "This tome contains detailed descriptions and uses of all these rare treasures. It also provides a precise account of their quantities."

Xu Lixing marveled at the staggering amount of treasures surrounding her. "There are so many?"

"This should be sufficient to sustain billions of high-dimensional humans for an extended period." Xu Jingming nodded. "As per our usual practice, you shall be in charge."

"I will immediately store them in the treasure vault within Stars City," Xu Lixing acknowledged. With Xu Jingming's authorization, she could wield considerable nomological power within the territory. Consequently, the vast reservoir of resources surrounding her swiftly vanished.

"I have stored 129 third-realm legacies within the Legacy Hall," Xu Jingming informed her.

"Dad, didn't you recently store 30,000 half-step third-realm legacies? And now you have added 129 more invaluable third-realm legacies?" Xu Lixing expressed her astonishment.

Li Miaomiao chimed in, "Where did you acquire so many legacies?"

Xu Jingming smiled. "Throughout history, certain third-realm powerhouses have bequeathed their legacies before their demise. They imprint the information of their legacies into the very fabric of spacetime. Once an individual reaches the third realm, they can sense this information and obtain the legacies."

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A total of 128 third-realm legacies were imprinted within this spacetime. Even though formidable figures like Feather Fire Lord and Master of Antinight remained alive, they had imprinted their legacies into the fabric of spacetime. After all, the legacies they left behind might eventually be lost or damaged, but the legacy information imprinted within spacetime could persist for a considerable duration.

"Among these 129 legacies is my psychic spearmanship, the Golden Halberd," Xu Jingming revealed. While he had refrained from divulging information regarding the 100 Heart Tribulation Spear Scrolls, which he had relied on to ascend to the third realm… With his current comprehension, he could refine and utterly transform the Golden Halberd, infusing it with tremendous power.

"Dad, your own legacy?" Xu Lixing's eyes gleamed with excitement.

Xu Jingming smiled. Acquiring these legacies was a simple task.

Third-realm legacies stemmed from the imprinted information within spacetime.

The 30,000 half-step third-realm legacies were all obtained from the half-step third-realm powerhouses Xu Jingming had observed while peering through the timeline. Merely witnessing these individuals allowed Xu Jingming to effortlessly gather information, including details regarding their cultivation paths.

Obtaining 30,000 half-step third-realm legacies posed no challenge for him! If Xu Jingming so desired, acquiring ten times that number would be well within his reach. However, these 30,000 half-step third-realm legacies encompassed every facet and branch of their respective disciplines, thereby sufficiently catering to their species' needs.

"I've brought the two of you here for a crucial matter," Xu Jingming said.

Li Miaomiao and Xu Lixing listened intently.

"As I prepare for the upcoming battle in the Abyssal Era, I cannot afford any distractions," Xu Jingming addressed his wife and daughter. "However, my greatest concern lies in the deterioration of your minds."

"The deterioration of our minds?" Li Miaomiao and Xu Lixing exchanged puzzled glances.

"A prolonged period of time can alter one's mental state, leading to mania, madness, and a desire for destruction," Xu Jingming explained. "This gradual decay and distortion of the mind is inevitable. The stronger one's mind and will, the slower the corruption. If your minds and wills are comparable to a half-step third realm, you can maintain clarity for more than 100 Abyssal Eras. However, your minds and wills are relatively weak. You may struggle to retain lucidity even for a single Abyssal Era."

"How can we prolong our lucidity?" Xu Lixing inquired.

"The strength of your mind and will determines the duration of lucidity. If your mind and will reach the level of the third realm, your mind will remain eternal," Xu Jingming revealed. "Many of the legacies in the Legacy Hall focus on enhancing the mind."

"You must rely on yourselves to grow stronger," Xu Jingming emphasized, looking at his wife and daughter.

"Understood," Li Miaomiao responded with a smile. "You can trust us! I'll inform Dad and Mom, so you needn't worry."

"Yes, Dad, you can count on us," Xu Lixing chimed in. "We're not foolish. We'll dedicate ourselves to strengthening our minds and wills to ensure longevity without succumbing to madness. Dad, the only thing you need to concern yourself with… is your cultivation!"

Xu Jingming smiled. "Very well."

Li Miaomiao and Xu Lixing swiftly departed from the hidden space.

Xu Jingming surveyed the myriad branches of the future, fully aware of the potential outcomes for his family. Miaomiao and the others would surely arrange everything meticulously, allowing me to cultivate in peace. They would also prioritize the evolutionary path and diligently sharpen their minds.

Everything is in place.

Xu Jingming's gaze remained calm. Now, I must do my utmost to comprehend the 100 Heart Tribulation Spear Scrolls. I refuse to perish in the wager battle—I must emerge victorious!

With that, he closed his eyes and immersed himself in the profound understanding of this Ultimate legacy.

Time slipped away swiftly.

When a third-realm powerhouse devoted themselves to a legacy, time seemed to flow at an accelerated pace. 100,000 years, 1,000,000 years, 10,000,000 years, 100,000,000 years… Almost imperceptibly, an entire Abyssal Era drew close to its end.