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Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 539: Blind – Short Ear (2 in 1)
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Chapter 539: Blind – Short Ear (2 in 1)

Translator: Udong_ Editor: EbonyFrost, Udong_

Another supporter? The elders who were shocked by the level 10 Warrior Weapon all realized what was going on. If they didn’t show their support for Lucifer Lucy now, how could they get close to Jiliu Feijing?

Swear Loyalty? All the elders of the Mamen Clan knew what was going on and they rushed towards Lucifer Lucy as if they were rushing to stores on Black Friday. They were all afraid of being the last person to swear their loyalty.

Saber Sage and Box Lee signaled to the elders anxiously, this wasn’t a part of the plan. The two leaders of the Mamen Clan were supposed to be the demons who supported Lucifer Lucy and all the elders were supposed to go against them.

"Why can’t you think of the bigger picture at this moment?" Saber Sage and Box Lee both thought.

"Bigger picture?" the elders all looked back with disdain. "Why should we be the ones to think about the bigger picture? And why should you guys be the ones to get most of the benefits? If this mixed-blood was only a little bit better than Boblonso, we can still stick to the plan and think about the bigger picture. But this mixed-blood literally gave out a level 10 Warrior Weapon as a gift! Think about the bigger picture? The other demons should think about the bigger picture! I need to get close to this mixed-blood!" All the elders thought about this.

"This mixed-blood gave out a level 10 Warrior Weapon! Think about the bigger picture? Fu*k that! You go and think about the bigger picture! I will focus on other stuff!"

Chaos! It was all messed up.

As Qian Jin gave out a level 10 Warrior Weapon, all the elders who were persuaded by the two leaders instantly changed their minds. The appearance of the level 10 Warrior Weapon inside the Mamen Clan created a huge mess.

The other demon species might honor the agreements they made but not Mamen Demons. As a demon species who dared to betray the Demon King, there wasn’t anything that they didn’t dare to do if the profits were great enough.

The value of a level 10 Warrior Weapon was enough to make these demons go crazy. They all wanted their descendants to be powerful, they all wanted their descendants to become the leader of the Mamen Clan, and they all wanted their descendants to become the future Demon King.

Even if some of the elders didn’t think that far, they all wanted to survive a little bit longer on the Human-Demon Battlefront. On the dangerous Human-Demon Battlefront, even Ultimate Bloodline Warriors who achieved Ultimate Awakening couldn’t say that they were safe, let alone Bloodline Warriors who only achieved Heavenly Awakening and Earthly Awakening.

If a Heavenly Awakened Bloodline Warrior exposed himself and was targeted by a few other Heavenly Awakened Bloodline Mages, he or she was very likely to die on the battlefield. Even if a dozen Earthly Awakened Bloodline Mages created a magic array and targeted him or her, he or she could die as well.

With the help of a level 10 Warrior Weapon, warriors could live a bit longer. Especially when the opponent was within the same realm, a top-tier Warrior Weapon could be the determining factor of victory.

Lucifer Lucy was feeling really good as a bunch of powerful and influential Mamen Demons kneeled down in front of her. Although she was determined to become the new ruler of the land, she didn’t expect to see such a magnificent scene.

"Great... I sensed your earnest." Lucifer smiled and replied. "All rise. We can sign a cooperation agreement later on."

All the elders froze a little. But after they looked at Qian Jin again, they grit their teeth and nodded

A verbal agreement wasn’t useful. Lucifer Lucy knew that and the elders of the Mamen Clan knew that as well. Throughout history, only the written loyalty agreement that was aligned with the format recorded in the [Demon Code] was binding.

Once that agreement was made, it was enforceable. Even though Mamen Demons were greedy, they didn’t want to dishonor that agreement.

If they did that, no other demon species would trust them, and no other demon species would buy their resources.

The Mamen Demons were greedy, and they focused on business. Without trust, no other demons would buy from them. Without business, how could they maintain their greed and cheat others here and there?

The agreement? If they didn’t see how generous Qian Jin was, they might have to think about it. But only idiots would still need to think about it.

Hesitation? Any hesitation would lead to loses in the future.

All the elders of the Mamen Clan rushed to sign on the agreement, it felt like they were afraid of not being able to sign it.

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After seeing how all the elders except Saber Nisfur were behaving, the two leaders of the Mamen Clan knew that they couldn’t do anything about it. This Jiliu Feijing was too generous and all these elders who had seen a lot of treasures couldn’t resist it.

After the agreement was signed, all the elders circled around Lucifer Lucy and started to flatter her. Some shameless elders even said that they held her before when she was a baby in order to make them seem closer.

Some elder directly asked Lucifer Lucy is Jiliu Feijing was married, and they also asked if he liked Mamen beauties.

"My daughter is the no.1 beauty among all female Mamen Demons..."

Before one elder could finish speaking, he was disrupted by elders who also had daughters. They all told Qian Jin that their daughters were the no.1 beauty and asked him if he was married. If he wasn’t, they were willing to make him their son-in-law. If he was, it didn’t matter. They all said that they were willing to make their daughters Qian Jin’s concubines.

Qian Jin who heard all these proposals was sweating. "All these Mamen Demons are greedy! They are willing to do anything to get benefits!" he thought.

In the meantime, the two leaders of the Mamen Clan talked with each other and walked towards Qian Jin.

After they pulled on Qian Jin’s sleeve quietly, Qian Jin got curiously and walked to a quiet corner with them. Box Lee rubbed his hands and said, "So it is like this... Master Feijing... You are a half Mamen Demon..."

Qian Jin nodded, and Box Lee let go of the breath that he was holding in as he felt relieved. He was afraid that this mixed-blood demon hated his own bloodlines like the most mixed-blood demons.

"We are thinking about this... Since you are a half Mamen Demon, but our clan hadn’t done much for you. We are feeling really sorry about it." Saber Sage added, "Therefore, we... we want to invite you to become an Assisting Elder of the Mamen Clan. What do you think about this compensation..."

"Assisting Elder?" Qian Jin frowned. He was actually laughing in his mind. "Compensation? What kind of compensation is this? If I became the Assisting Elder, that means I’m closer to you guys."

"Assisting Elder... Oh!" Box Lee patted his head and said, "We didn’t explain properly. Assisting Elder is a special position in the Mamen Clan. You don’t need to contribute to the clan and you don’t even need to listen to the leaders of the clan. You are you and you can use most of the resources in our clan. We just really want to become friends with you..."

"What?" Qian Jin thought, "Only benefits and no responsibilities?"

He immediately realized what would happen. There weren’t many shameless demons in the world and there weren’t many demons who would only take and not give back. If the leaders came to ask for a favor, most of the Assisting Elders would listen and help.

"Eh." Box Lee nodded quickly and followed up, "We just want to express our earnest attention."

"Leaders! The matter of Assisting Elder needs to be passed by the Elder Council first! How can you guys go ahead with it without our approval?"

An elder who had a good hearing heard this and shouted, and he instantly attracted the attention of all the elders. All the elders rushed over in one second.

"That is right. Our Elder Council needs to approve it! Master Feijing, don’t worry! We all support the decision of making you our Assisting Elder! Even if the leaders don’t want to, we will push it through and..."

Qian Jin shrugged his shoulder and thought, "I became the Assisting Elder of the Mamen Clan like this? This... wait, wasn’t I betting with Boblonso? Where is that dwarf?"

In the crowd, dwarf Boblonso was kneeling on the ground as he was in a strange state, it felt like he was completely destroyed.

In the last ten days, he was shocked by Qian Jin’s technique again and again.

In the last ten days, he wanted to learn some of Qian Jin’s techniques in secret. He knew his level would improve a lot even if he only learned a little.

However, after the ten days passed, he didn’t learn anything. With his eyes wide open, he was trying hard to understand some techniques. Despite the fact that his white eyeballs were all red, he didn’t know how Qian Jin used his god-like techniques.

A huge difference... Boblonso felt like he wasted more than half of his life. It felt like all of his proud techniques were weak and useless in the eyes of this young mixed-blood demon and he was only an apprentice.

Although they were both Forge Grandmasters, the difference was huge. There wasn’t just difference in technique but also in knowledge and accumulation. Boblonso felt like he was a droplet of water and this Jiliu Feijing was an ocean.

Qian Jin walked to Boblonso and squatted down to take a better look at this dwarf who said he was going to break Qian Jin’s limps and throw Qian Jin into a pit of lustful beasts.

"Your turn." Qian Jin said quietly.

This quiet voice was like a thunder in Boblonso’s ears.

"My turn? What can I do?" Boblonso shook his head subconsciously and thought, "I won’t do it! I’m the honorable Forge Grandmaster, but I’m like a stepping stone for this young mixed-blood demon."

"I... I won’t do it..." Boblonso said as he rubbed the ground. He shook his head as he stood up, and his face twisted as he suddenly looked terrified. "I... I... What is going on? I... I can’t see anything? Where is my forge hammer?" he shouted.

"Want to play blind?" Qian Jin frowned. As he wanted to speak up, Zence Matten patted his shoulder as he shook his head. "He is really blind, he is not acting."

"Not acting?" Qian Jin got close to Boblonso and realized that this dwarf’s irises were shattered like glass.

Blind! This Forge Grandmaster tried to steal some technique off of Qian Jin and he didn’t even close his eyes for ten days straight.

He used all of his stamina, and his eyes couldn’t bear the long-term stress and spiritual stimulation. As a result, his irises shattered.

What did this mean for a blacksmith? Qian Jin shook his head as he stood up slowly. If a blacksmith lost his sight and couldn’t observe the flames and forged items, his or her future would be destroyed. A top-tier blacksmith couldn’t just rely on other senses to produce top-tier items.

This was a key point that was recorded in old Blake’s notes. As Qian Jin got more experience, he gradually realized that he couldn’t just feel using his heart. If a heart was enough, humans, demons, and barbarians won’t have eyes, noses, and ears.

"It is already dark outside? Why can’t I see anything?" Boblonso staggered as he shouted. He reached out his hands and repeated, "Where are the demons? Come! Someone come and help me!"

However, all the elders of the Mamen Clan stared at Boblonso coldly and some of them even backed off, none of them wanted to keep their connection with this dwarf.

"These are the demons." Zence Matten murmured to himself as he sneered.

"Humans..." Qian Jin turned around and said to Zence Matten quietly, "Are similar, aren’t they? In some cases, they might be crueler."

Zence Matten was a little surprised. After some thoughts, he nodded in silence.

Cech Flet walked towards Boblonso quietly and held onto the Forge Grandmaster who was swinging his arms around frantically. He said in a soft voice, "Master, your eyes might be injured. Let me take you to a pharmacist."

"My eyes? What happened?" Fear filled Boblonso’s voice, "It is already dark outside, isn’t it?"

"Yeah, it is already dark." Cech Flet helped Boblonso to walk outside the shop as everyone stared at them. Then he walked by Qian Jin, a bottle of potion appeared in his hand, and he heard a faint voice, "Mystic Potion. Let him drink this so we can open his Warrior Dimension."

A bit of surprise quickly flashed by Cech Flet’s face and a bright smile that could seduce a man appeared on his face as he walked out of the gate.

The elders of the Mamen Clan didn’t pay much attention to Boblonso. Since this dwarf said all that to provoke Jiliu Feijing beforehand, he was of no value anymore especially after he lost his sight.

After a few minutes, Cech Flet returned with a graceful expression and Boblonso who left with him was nowhere to be seen.

Qian Jin smelled a light blood odor on him, this would only appear if some blood mist got on Cech Flet after blood jetted out of one’s body.

Died! Without even asking, Qian Jin knew that ending of that dwarf Forge Grandmaster. He probably died just like general Zhang Mumbai of Oakland City.

"There is still half a bottle." Cech Flet whispered into Qian Jin’s ear, "I will keep it for myself."


Qian Jin nodded. The last time Marc Gavin came, he brought a lot of material and herbs with him. After he gave all of them to Qian Jin, Qian Jin had enough materials to make ten bottles of this special potion after combining them with the material he robbed from the various bandit groups.

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Although he made a lot of mistakes in the process, he successfully created three bottles, that success rate was already really high. If nothing major happened, it was enough for him to use for a while.

"Mayor..." A Belia Demon walked into the area. He kneeled down and said, "Elders from the Domon Clan is here to see you."

"Domon Clan?" Box Taylor was a little surprised. "That Short Ear Clan?"

"Short Ear Clan?" A lot of information appeared in Qian Jin’s head. He read a lot about the demons before and he knew that there were other demon species aside from the top seven demon species. The only thing was that there were very few of these special demons and they didn’t have the top ten bloodlines. As a result, they didn’t have much power.

Short Ear Clan was such a species. Their original name was the Domon Clan. Although their eyes were almost none-existant, their hearing ability was really good. On this continent, there weren’t any other species or races that had a better hearing than them.

Due to their special hearing abilities, they were really important during the war, they were all key intelligence agents. As a result, their entire clan held a special status in the eyes of the Demon King. Under normal circumstances, even the top seven demon species didn’t dare to offend this clan, they didn’t even dare to say bad things about them.

If they said anything bad, it was very likely that the Domon Demons would hear it. If they said anything bad about the Demon King one day, it was very likely that these Domon Demons would report it to the Demon King immediately.

Dark Group... Except for powerful demon warriors, there were a lot of Domon Demons in there. These demons who had great hearing were like the ears of the Demon King. They helped the Demon King to monitor each and every clan in the demon territory.

Box Taylor sighed and frowned, he knew that he shouldn’t offend these demons and he couldn’t block them. The only good thing was that they were close to Jiliu Feijing already and they were the first clan who swore loyalty to Lucifer Lucy. All other demon clans would be behind them from now on.

"Let them in." Box Taylor rubbed his head and said, "I think they aren’t here for me but for Master Feijing."

"Hahahaha, Mayor Taylor is really smart. I, Domon Lec, came in by myself. I hope you don’t mind."

The gate was opened again and a very short and arrogant demon walked in.

Behind Elder Domon Lec, there were two young warriors and a young mage. Their ears almost couldn’t be seen and it was obvious that they were the younger generation of Domon Demons.

As a clan who was valued by the Demon King, the Domon Clan was almost becoming an affiliated clan of the Lucifer Clan and all the Domon Demons had a little of that arrogance that originally only belonged to the Lucifers.

This was clearly demonstrated as the three young Domon Demons had disdain on their faces.

"Which one is Jiliu Feijing?"

With his hands behind his back, Domon Lec walked forward with his huge pregnant-like stomach and glanced around with disdain on his face. Finally, his eyes landed on Qian Jin.

Qian Jin’s appearance made him very distinguishable as he was the mixed-blood between Lucifer Bloodline and Mamen Bloodline.

Domon Lec didn’t even greet the two leaders of the Mamen Clan and he just stood there with haughtiness as if he was expecting Qian Jin to salute him first.

Box Lee and Saber Philip looked at each other with anger in their eyes. Even though the Domon Demons were close to the Demon King, what Domon Lec did was too arrogant! "The Mamen Clan is one of the seven top demon species! You guys are only the ears of the current Demon King!" they thought.

Under normal circumstances, they would let it go. But today... "If we appear weak in front of Master Feijing, then Master Feijing won’t view the Mamen Clan as a serious group. How can we get benefits from him in the future?" Box Lee thought with a gloomy expression.

"Scold him!" Saber Sage was thinking about the same thing.

"No-ear! What are you?" Qian Jin’s arrogant voice suddenly sounded and interrupted the plan of the two Mamen leaders.

Both Box Lee and Saber Sage smiled. "How did we forget that Master Feijing has half of the Lucifer Bloodline! He is very arrogant and how is he going to take the disrespectful tone? You Short Ear Clan is only the dog of the Lucifer Clan! Master Feijing is a half-owner of you!" they thought.

"No-ear?" Domon Lec’s arrogant expression instantly turned cold and the three young Domon Demons also got mad.

The Domon Demons were called Short Ear Demons by others in private, but no one dared to call them that in front of them. They felt like their faces were slapped by this mixed-blood demon.

"Why are you still standing there?" Qian Jin’s arrogant yet harsh voice sounded again, "Didn’t you see Lucifer Lucy Her Highness? Why aren’t you greeting her? Do you want to die?"

Domon Lec was getting ready to shout and he felt like he was hit by a stick. He had to force down his anger and he sensed the cold stares from Lucifer Lucy. He felt like he was a bug in the eyes of this Tenth Princess.
