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Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 334
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Chapter 334: 334

I slightly winded my head backwards before I delivered a slightly painful headbutt to her forehead.


The look of shock and confusion on her face was f.u.c.k.i.n.g priceless and I wish I had my camera with me. A little red mark appeared on her forehead again like the time when we sparred against each other.

“W-why did you do that?!” she pouted and she looked like she was about to cry not because of what we talked about earlier but because of my headbutt.

“I don’t know, I just had Tequila. Shit happens.” I cheekily replied.

“Teq- you just tasted a bit from my-” she tried to speak but I delivered another headbutt.


“SKY~!!! What are you doing?! Sk-” she exclaimed but she immediately stopped when she saw my face.

I was on all fours while on top of her but I suddenly fell on her body with a pained look on my face.

“Hey! You said you were fine ear- Sky! Tell me what’s going on?!” Kaley turned me over and now she’s on top of me.

“C-C-C- AHH!!! IT HURTS!!!” I grimaced.

“What?! I’m gonna cal-” she was about to head for the door but I managed to grab her hand.

“KALEY!!! YOU’RE STILL N.A.K.E.D!!! I’M CRAMPING!!! MY FEET!!! STRAIGHTEN IT~!!!” I shouted before she managed to get away.

“What? Y-your foot? IT WAS JUST A CRAMP?! SKY~!!! YOU- AHHHHHH!!!” Kaley couldn’t figure out the right expression to project from what was happening.

The muscles from my leg were contracting since I really overexerted them earlier. She began to help me by pointing my toes upwards while I bore through the pain. Luckily, it lasted for only a few seconds before it stopped contracting violently.

“I told you I was sore.” I cheekily remarked.

She gave me an exasperated look then she suddenly jabbed my crotch. I was defenseless since my legs were still in pain when she attacked me.

“Kaley?! What the f.u.c.k?! That’s my-” then she cut me off.

“That’s for headbutting me! It hurts you know!” she looked away, arms crossed.

“Well, you were being unreasonable!” I exclaimed.

“Unreasonable?! ‘I’M’ being unreasonable?!” her head snapped back to my direction.

“I already told you it was my fault and you keep blaming yourself!” I retorted.

“But- if it wasn’t for me-” then I cut her off.

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“Fine! We’ll split it 80-20!” I huffed.

“What? What are you-” I cut her off again.

“The blame! I already told you it’s my fault and you want to share a bit of it so that’s the solution! I’ll take 80, you take 20! Is that fine?” I was shaking my head.

“Don’t joke at a time like this!” she exclaimed.

“I’m not joking! I’m serious!” I replied.

“Is splitting the blame like a mathematical homework not joking?!” she yelled.

“It’s my way of solving this! Kaley, I don’t understand why you’re being like- Wait- are you on your perio-” then she cut me off.

“I’M NOT!!!” she cried out.

“Menopause?” I guessed.

“WHA- NO!!!” she shouted.

“Pregnant?” I made a face.

“NOOOO!!! I’M NOT PREGNANT!!!” she bellowed.

“You sure?” I tried to confirm.

She attacked my nuts again.

“Hungry?” I tried again, while shielding the family jewels.

“A bit-” I cut her off.

“A-HA!” I celebrated.


“Then what’s the point in all of this when you will never change~ OW! KALEY! I’M STILL HURTING! STOP!” I tried to sing a few verses from a local band but she attacked me again.

I was defending myself from all of her attacks but her expression now was not of anger. She was smiling this time but she was still sending lethal kicks towards my head. I was having a hard time dodging all of them while I was trying to navigate where to look. Each part of her body was sent from heaven and I could only imagine what would happen to me if I got hard at this moment. I stepped back with my right foot and I felt a sharp pain due to the muscle spasm earlier.

My focus lapsed and all I saw was Kaley turning her left heel towards the right side then quickly turning around clockwise, sending a nasty right side kick straight to my torso when she twisted her knee at the last second.

I was hit dead-on.


The sound it made resonated to the whole room and I almost threw up. I collapsed on the floor, clutching my abdomen and I saw that I slid a few feet away from where her kick connected.

“Kaley?! The f.u.c.k?! Who taught you that?! Joe Rogan?!” I exclaimed.

Kaley’s eyes widened when she saw what happened to me. When I looked at her expression, it seemed that she did that from pure luck.

Even if it that was by luck, it was one of the few times I received a direct hit and it f.u.c.k.i.n.g hurt me bad. Granted I was not my 100% but the amount of power Kaley produced would’ve still hurt me nevertheless. It felt like being hit by a sledgehammer and the damage was still lingering. However, I was not angry at all since she added another lethal move to her arsenal.

Kaley immediately approached me and helped me sit on the bed. She gave me an apologetic look but it kept switching from this weird situation we’re having with each other.

“Nice kick. It f.u.c.k.i.n.g hurts.” I chuckled with a wince.

“Don’t lie to me! I did that wrong!” she exclaimed.

“Your sensor’s not working this time? Nope, that was the right one. Did you see what happened to me? You even broke through my plot armor!” I retorted.

“Plot- what? You’re not lying… but I really did that wrong!” she explained.

“Then do it the right way, show me.” I was intrigued by the right one.

“But-” she gave me a look of worry.

“Why are you looking like that? Just kick in the air! I’m not catching another one of those!” I exclaimed.

“I know but- are you fine?” she asked, concerned.

I almost attacked her with another headbutt.

“Kaley, one more stupid question and I’ll send another headbutt to your forehead. I was already tired, then you punched my nuts, then you punched it again, then you delivered that f.u.c.k.i.n.g kick, and now you’re asking me if I’m fine?! What’s wrong with you this day?! I’m the one that’s supposed to be a f.u.c.k.i.n.g lunatic and you’re stealing it?! Can I at least have that?! Please?! Put on some clothes before you make it worse!” I started to lose my sanity.

I really don’t know what’s wrong with Kaley today and I tried my best to figure it out while she was putting on some clothes. She stood in the middle of the room and performed the same kick. However, it was really different from the earlier one. I asked her to do it a few more times but it was still the same result. Instead of it going straight like last time, this ‘right’ kick she performed was more of a slice than a thrust on the way it was delivered.

“That’s the ‘right’ kick?” I tried to confirm.

“Yeah, why?” she asked.

“It sucks. The ‘wrong’ kick was more powerful, faster too.” I said bluntly.

“But! Tatiana said-” then I cut her off.

“I don’t care what Tatiana said. Can’t you feel the difference yourself?” I asked.

“But I can’t do it anymore! I was mad and annoyed at you that time-” I cut her off again.

“I miss your bigger tits.” I said with a straight face.

“Wha- What are you talking about now?!” she started to lose it.

“Now you’re mad and annoyed at me. Try kicking agai-” then she really did kick me.

However, it was still her ‘right’ version. She just added more power since the wind it produced was much stronger compared to before. I even dodged it at the right moment since I saw it coming from a mile away. The earlier one was different because once she completed the turn, the kick would suddenly be a few millimetres away from connecting.

“Why don’t we try to contact Tatiana? She could show you how she taught me.” Kaley suggested.

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I grabbed my radio and tried to contact Tatiana.


“Hey, can you come here for a sec?”



“Hmm? Okay, I’ll bring Cynthia too since she’s with me.”





While we’re waiting, she tried to remember the sensation she felt when she attacked me earlier. Instead of randomly repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result, she tried to adjust the angles and timing by minuscule amounts to try and recreate what she did earlier. However, she still can’t do it and the whole process was different.

A few moments later, we heard a knock on the door and Tatiana came with Cynthia. She was holding a bowl of food while Cynthia was holding a towel to wipe her face if there was a smudge.

“What do you need?” Tatiana went straight to the point.

Kaley showed her the ‘right’ kick and Tatiana nodded. Cynthia was looking at Kaley when she performed that kick and she tilted her head but didn’t say anything.

“It’s the right one, right?” Kaley asked.

“Yeah, what’s the problem?” Tatiana asked.

“This is.” I said as I raised my shirt.

“What happened to you?!” Tatiana was surprised.

A large bruise was on my abdomen and the only explanation for that was the ‘wrong’ kick earlier. Tatiana grew curious and she asked for the whole story. Kaley and I started from the top when we were fighting earlier. The two listened intently from our story and they tried their best not to laugh from the words we exchanged earlier.

“You two are cute~ I wish I had someone like that~” Cynthia giggled.

Kaley and I almost had an aneurysm from our unreasonable fight earlier but Tatiana seemed to have found the solution.

“I got it. You still haven’t backtracked completely.” Tatiana said.

“You figured it out? What do I need to do to recreate it?” Kaley asked.