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Class Teacher System

Ch145 - Save the Brain dead Lover (24)
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Due to speople's loose lips, Ren Zhu's one-day tour of the Alliance Military Academy was never completed.

After all, this academy was quite large, and if you walked to the competition venue, it would take at least an hour, if not more. Flying there in a mech would take just over ten minutes.

As Ren Zhu sat on Yi Xiao's mech and watched the gigantic, ceiling-less competition venue getting closer, he couldn't help but admire the sharp contrast and impressive feel produced by the combination of black and white. The walls of the competition venue were all made of black diamond, while the walls and floor inside were white. If not for the other decorative colors inside, Ren Zhu would have thought he had entered sscientific research facility or a large secret hospital.

However, even with this simple combination of black and white and the monotonous colors, it still had an imposing presence.

At this moment, representatives from many academies had already arrived in the various rest rooms of the competition venue. Their treatment in the rest rooms varied slightly due to their differing strengths. Of course, the rest rooms for the Stellar Academy and the Cosmic Exploration Academy had to be top-notch; otherwise, it would be a battle beneath the competition stage.

Ren Zhu looked at the rest room in front of him, comparable to a presidential suite. He couldn't help but silently sigh at the extravagance of the three major academies. From the sixth grade to the high school third grade, each grade had more than ten people coming, adding up to over a hundred from a single academy. Yet, so many people in this rest room didn't feel crowded at all, indicating just how large the venue was.

In a little while, the opening ceremony would begin. Ren Zhu watched Yi Xiao and the others, dressed in the uniform of the Stellar Academy, quietly discussing how to amaze the audience with their formation and psychic abilities. Because the teacher leading them, Teacher Jin was comfortably lying on the sofa, swaying his head from side to side while connected to the Star Network, he looked as if he was either listening to music or watching a movie. He showed no signs of instructing the students on what to do before the match. So, the students had to rely on their own thinking for their pre-match performance. After all, the pre-match performance wasn't an official competition. As long as it wasn't too arrogant or unimpressive, it was okay to perform whatever they wanted. Still, they needed to discuss what to do to


As a former homeroom teacher who had been busy during sports day, Ren Zhu couldn't stand such a leisurely person. Even if the students were really easy to manage, you couldn't be so idle! It made them look pitiful from their previous busy times!

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"Boss, do you really plan forto walk wherever I want to freeze things?" Zack's voice beclouder, as if he was protesting, but those familiar with him knew that his tone seemed playful.

Shi Lei, standing nearby, grumbled, "If you don't want to do it, I'm willing to pave the entire competition venue with stones!"

Then Souya beside them began to mock, "So, are you trying to show that we're all construction workers at the Stellar Academy?! I can't see any point in showing off like this. Instead of paving with stones, it's better to cover the whole ground with golden yellow gold. Let those bumpkins open their eyes!"

Wen Quan and Song Ze smiled beside them and didn't say anything. They didn't want to attract attention, so smiling was the best option at this moment.

Unfortunately, the words of Shi Lei and Soiya received no response from Yi Xiao. He was the kind of person who wouldn't accept any objections after giving orders. He checked the time; it was already 9:40 in the morning. He straightened his collar, casually adjusted his hair, and then walked out with his chin held high. Zack and the other three followed him.

These five individuals were tall and had the aura of going from twelve-year-old boys to eighteen-year-old youths. They had completely transformed. They didn't lose to Lan Tu and Xiong Xi, who walked in front of them at all.

Ren Zhu and the other students who were watching behind couldn't help but exclaim at how handsthe people from their Stellar Academy were.

Ren Zhu and the others went directly from the rest room to their spectator area. At this point, the black seats in front of them were set against a pure white field. Student representatives from over a hundred schools in the Federation, including ten major races and sminor races, entered one by one. When they entered, the school's anthem would play, representing their respective academies. Santhems were enthusiastic, swere melodious, sshowcased the academy's determination, and semphasized inclusivity. Every student here was the cream of the crop at their academy, representing the youthful and passionate future of the Federation.

Such a grand competition was a significant event for the entire Federation, and full coverage on the Stawas inevitable. At this moment, what appeared in people's view were the faces of these beautiful, vibrant young men. Watching the future of the Federation like this filled everyone with hope for the future.

Then it was tfor the performance.

First was the performance show of the three major academies. The Alliance Military Academy always prided itself on its strict discipline and uniformity. Dozens of mechs almost seemed to replicate each other as they performed a set of aerial mech combat techniques before the audience. The synchronized movements and overall formidable attack power made the watching students cheer and applaud. As for the Cosmic Exploration Academy, dozens of mechs chased each other, their speed getting faster and faster. Eventually, they beclike a gust of wind, and people could only see the different-colored afterimages, unable to tell where their mechs were!

Ten renowned educators from the Federation on the judging panel smiled helplessly as they watched. Each of them was a master of abilities and mechs, and they always found these flashy performances a bit helpless.

"At least the Alliance Military Academy and the Cosmic Exploration Academy have showcased their strength. I wonder how those kids from the Stellar Academy will perform."

"Yeah, who's leading the Stellar Academy this year? If they have someone reliable, their performance might be decent."

"Don't even think about it. This year's team leader is Xiao Jin. That lazy guy. He'll probably let the kids do as they please."

When the judges heard the last sentence, they couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their mouths. The Alliance Military Academy and the Cosmic Exploration Academy had already performed, so they didn't mind. But the schools following behind the students from the Stellar Academy should probably be a bit cautious.

The Stellar Academy showcased its performances by grade. The high school section, consisting of three grades, completed the entire course with the most challenging mech maneuvers and stunts, which was quite impressive. Then, the tenth-grade students from the school showcased different abilities, making it interesting. Originally, it was supposed to continue with the seventh grade, but Yi Xiao and his group pushed the sixth-grade students to the front. The sixth-grade students had to perform a challenging mech action, which looked difficul but couldn't be compared to the older students. Finally, the seventh-grade students, including Yi Xiao and others, quietly lined up and walked past the display platform in their mechs.

This performance left the audience of students somewhat bewildered. What was happening? Were the students from the Stellar Academy not going to perform at the end? What did it mean to just walk past like this? Did they have no preparations at all?

The audience was puzzled, but the judges on the judging panel couldn't help but laugh and curse, "That rascal Yi Xiao!"

The live broadcast was very thoughtful and provided a camera feed to these judges, so the netizens watching the live broadcast on the Starknew that the seventh-grade students from the Stellat Academy were up to something. How could they be sure it was the seventh- grade students from the Stellar Academy? Who didn't know that Yi Xiao, the youngest S-class genius in the Alliance and now the most dangerous S-class person in danger of psychic outbreak, was the leader of the seventh grade at the Stellar Academy? Just look at his face that appeared on the Starscreen a moment ago, and everyone could imagine a lot.

However, knowing that someone was up to something made everyone even more curious about what they were up to. Why were the old judges from the Federation talking like that? Just when everyone was somewhat puzzled, the students from the top ten ranked schools who followed behind Yi Xiao and his group also reached the display platform. And then-

"Damn! What's going on? Am I seeing things, or did the elite students from the Louis Academy all just slip and fall like dumplings?!"

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"It's not just the Louis Academy! The elite students from the Budapest and Eagle Academys are also sitting on the ground looking puzzled! Only a few of them are fine; they must have stepped on banana peels together!"

【Is it a prank?]

【No, no, no, folks upstairs, take a close look at the ground! They didn't step on banana peels together; they all stepped on an ice rink! It's hard to see because the ground is white, but if you look closely and catch the sunlight's reflection, you'll notice an extra layer of thick ice on the ground!]

【Wow, finally, we know why the judges scolded our half-crazy geniuses.]

[Isn't this a bit too wicked!]

【Haha, it was just a performance, and look, the Ocean Academy followed the Stellar Academy closely. They walked on the ice without any issues, while most of the students from the three academies behind slipped. This can only mean that their footing isn't stable enough, and their observation skills are lacking! Hehehe, I love these innocent and unpretentious little devils from the Stellar Academy!]

The intewas abuzz with discussions, and the students from the Alliance Military Academy watching from the stands were also whispering among themselves.

Swere happy, swere amused, and swere indignant. But for the students from the Stellar Academy, there was only one emotion - well done!

Teacher Ren sat in the front row of the viewing platform, and he really wished he had a pair of glasses to adjust and express the inner turmoil and itchiness in his heart. Although he enjoyed watching as a student, the teacher's soul within him was itching to educate these mischievous kids -

Do you have to set up these covert traps? You'll get a beating when the matches start!

As Teacher Ren thought like this, he suddenly felt like he could already see the results of the seventh-grade group competition in this Academy Challenge.

Yi Xiao as the leader, with Zack as the cunning one at the back, Shi Lei who might not be the brightest but could fight well, and adding in Souya, the second-generation troublemaker who wanted to kick anyone he met, and his evil sidekick. This was a combination that seemed to always seek trouble and make things happen for no reason, and it gave him the urge to light a candle for their opponents.