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Class Teacher System

Ch138 - Save the Brain dead lover (17)
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"I think their mood definitely wasn't particularly pleasant," Yi Xiao chuckled, finding occasional amusement in his psychic power outbreak, while Ren Zhu watched him with glee.

As they said, at this moment, the Federation government and Yi Xiao's uncle, who was also the current head of the Yi family, were not in a good mood. Or rather, their mood hadn't been good since Yi Xiao's psychic power outbreak.

The Federation government knew too well how difficult it was to shape a heroic family to willingly explore the Abyss Black Hole. The Yi family had almost becone of the top families in the Federation. If it wasn't for internal strife within the Yi family, they probably wouldn't be able to control them. Meanwhile, the current generation's eldest son from the Yi family going berserk, whether in his identity as the Yi family's eldest son or as a double-S genius, had caused the Federation great distress. It had been five years already, and as they watched Yi Xiao's condition deteriorate, they hadn't found a genius to replace him.

"What are the recent observations of the Abyss Black Hole? Is there any sign of expansion?" The Federation's Grand Commander looked at the data on Yi Xiao, Ren Zhu, and the Yi family, then turned to his secretary.

"The Abyss Black Hole is behaving normally. It's just that its diameter seems to have increased by about a centimeter since the last measurement," the secretary answered dutifully. "If it continues at this rate, without any surprises, the Federation should be safe for at least ten years."

The Grand Commander snorted, "Chuck, it's crucial to be prepared for the worst. In matters of safety, you should learn from your father. Just like Murphy's Law, bad things, no matter how unlikely, will always happen. The Abyss Black Hole itself is uncontrollable; we can't rely on it 'not having any surprises.""

Chuck quickly furrowed his brows, "Grand Commander, I was wrong. I should have thought more thoroughly."

The Grand Commander looked out of the window at the stars, shaking his head kindly, "In a position of power, one must think for the greater good. You're already a very capable secretary. However, in the future, try to think more and observe more."

Chuck saluted the Grand Commander, paused, then voiced his thoughts, "The current generation's eldest son of the Yi family is no longer able to enter the Abyss Black Hole. So, what should we do next? Should we find someone else to replace him? But what kind of person could replace him?"

The Grand Commander sighed. The furrow between his brows, already deep, deepened even more as he thought, "Looking back now, I feel like my predecessors did many foolish things. They shouldn't have assumed that just because Yi Hai Zhi and Yi Hou Ze were outstanding, all the eldest sons from the Yi family would be exceptional and capable of bearing the people's expectations without causing doubts or backlash. Throughout it all, there's no rule stating only the Yi family's eldest sons can solve the Black Hole problem. But due to their foolishness, even if we find someone with indomitable will, a psychic power and physical strength of at least level B, the people won't trust him. The current Federation citizens only trust the people from the Yi family."

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"But ironically..." The Grand Commander seemed to think of something amusing, a hint of mockery flashing in his eyes. "The current Yi family generation in power is completely incapable of upholding the glory of the Yi family, yet they still arrogantly believe they can." Chuck hesitated, then asked, "So, should we stop looking for people from the Yi family?"

The Grand Commander shook his head, "How can we not? We must continue to look for people from the Yi family. Since the eldest son can't fulfill the Yi family's mission anymore, let the second son give it a try. After all, it's still a member of the Yi family, isn't it? And no one ha ever stipulated that only the Yi family's eldest sons can explore the Abyss Black Hole."

"Of course, continue to search for individuals with unwavering willpower, and psychic and physical strengths at least level B or above. In any case, I won't allow the Abyss Black Hole to endanger the Federation during my term."


Chuck respectfully glanced at the elderly man in front of him and then swiftly left. About an hour later, Yi Xiao's uncle, the current head of the Yi family, Yi Zhongding, received a magnificent and solemn platinum letter from the Federation.

"Dad? What are you holding? A golden... letter?" At that moment, Yi Ming was coming down the stairs from his room and immediately spotted the thin, golden platinum letter in Yi Zhongding's hand. Upon hearing his son's question, Yi Zhongding glanced at him, seemingly hesitating about whether to tell his child the truth.

In the end, however, he decided to involve his son in this matter. After all, he was already twelve years old, and there were many things he should understand and start getting involved in. Just like the crisis that the Yi family was facing now and how to handle it, Yi Ming should be aware of it.

So, Yi Zhongding motioned for Yi Ming to ccloser, saying, "Ctake a look. This is a platinum letter sent to our family by the Grand Commander's secretary. The envelope and the paper are made of specially crafted gold material, and it bears the unforgeable seal of the Grand Commander."

Listening to his father, a proud expression appeared on Yi Ming's face, but it quickly faded.

"If at any other time, I, your father, would feel extremely proud upon receiving a letter like this, or at the very least, my mood would be pleasant. However, upon receiving this letter now, I feel a great deal of trouble," Yi Zhongding's expression turned solemn. "Our entire family is facing an enormous catastrophe, almost a disaster of epic proportions, due to your cousin's recklessness."

Yi Ming's face stiffened at his words. Without thinking, he frowned and cursed, "I knew that guy Yi Xiao was utterly unworthy of being a member of our Yi family! He has tarnished the reputation of our family. Father, we really should find the right tto give him a good lesson so he understands his mistakes and shortcomings. But Father, what could be so important that it requires consultation with the Grand Commander and our family?"

He had barely finished his sentence when his expression changed. It was clear that he had realized something.

As a member of the Yi family, he should naturally know what kind of important matter would require consultation with the Grand Commander and their family - there was no second choice aside from the Abyss Black Hole. So, Yi Ming quickly took the platinum paper and read through it. The more he read, the worse his expression became. By the end, he exclaimed in disbelief, "Why? Why should we all have to participate in a simulation test just because of Yi Xiao's mistake?"

Yi Zhongding glanced at his suddenly excited son, his face showing displeasure and seriousness. "Close your mouth. What do you look like, shouting like that? You're acting just like that useless Yi Xiao you're talking about."

Yi Ming immediately shut his mouth. However, his expression was filled with frustration. After a while, he managed to calm himself down and spoke more calmly, "Father, the Grand Commander is essentially sending us to our deaths. We can't accept this."

Yi Zhongding looked at his now-calm son and nodded with satisfaction. "Though your choice of words was improper, you're right. The Grand Commander, in the absence of the Yi family's eldest son, is targeting us next. Clearly, he's using the Yi family's status and honor to pressure us. However, the problem is, even though I know he's pressuring us, we still have to send sof the Yi family's descendants to participate in the Federation's simulation test."

Yi Ming seemed like he was about to lose his patience again, but before he could speak, Yi Zhongding continued, "However, in doing so, the Federation should meet sof our Yi family's demands. And son, I won't let you go. You're the one who needs to take over the entire Yi family. You must not put yourself in danger, no matter what."

Upon hearing the last sentence, Yi Ming's expression becsomewhat brighter. "That Yi Xiao, he's truly something! How can his mind be so fragile? His psychic outbreak has directly implicated the entire Yi family. Whatever the case, we must properly explain this matter to those poor souls he implicated, so they understand his mistakes and faults."

Yi Zhongding chuckled at his words, "Naturally. But after I've selected those individuals, you can go and reassure everyone. At that time, you should be able to gain a lot of loyalty and support."

And so, the father and son from the main lineage of the Yi family began to discuss who among their family should participate in the "simulation test" set up by the Federation's Grand Commander.

The following month was oddly calm.

Apart from Ren Zhu becoming a sensation at Stellar Academy, where he would be secretly observed no matter where he went, he didn't face any attacks or ambushes. It was as if those who were planning to create trouble suddenly vanished overnight. Even Bu Lu, Buda, and Buck's gazes transformed from their initial disdain to admiration and a hint of trepidation. They had begun to feel like little followers.

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However, Teacher Ren couldn't find any joy in this.

After the fight between Yi Xiao and Lan Tu that day, news spread throughout the school about the "intense battle between the Seventh Grade Chief and the Senior Division Third Grade's campus heartthrob-for the sake of a Third Grade blue-eyed calamity." Lan Tu wasn't just loudly expressing his fondness for Ren Zhu and the desire for him to be a big brother to protect him; he coincidentally ran into Yi Xiao, and the two of them directly got into a fight. Though Yi Xiao didn't say a word himself, actions spoke louder than words, right? If he didn't like the gentle Third Grader with blue eyes, why would he clash with Lan Tu? And he almost triggered his psychic outbreak.

As a result, Ren Zhu was surrounded by curious onlookers in all sorts of creative ways: accidentally bumping into him; deliberately passing by him multiple times while observing him; and even boldly standing in front of him, making him stop and look up at their faces. For the first two types of encounters, Teacher Ren endured for the sake of his safety. After all, being looked at wasn't like losing a piece of meat. Moreover, he was somewhat accustomed to being looked at by many people. After all, he was the class teacher!

But for the last type, Teacher Ren really didn't want to tolerate it. Even though the other party was a girl, that kind of haughty, condescending, disdainful female senior, who regarded him as if he were a worthless little goblin, didn't exactly evoke his protective instincts. Thus, all those girls who arrogantly insulted him to his face, asking him not to reveal his face anymore, were made to stand in one place for twenty minutes as punishment. For those who didn't learn their lesson from their first standing punishment, Teacher Ren made them run twenty laps around the track. After they finished running, things around him quieted down for the most part.

Then, a second legend about him began to circulate in Stellar Academy-

That Third Grader with blue eyes who always seemed to fight the two most handsguys in the academy when they crossed paths, appeared to possess a peculiar power! It made people feel inexplicably anxious and breathless, as if they were recalling the pain from their physical education class training. If you provoked him too much, he might even make you run twenty laps around the track!

So, without Ren Zhu's knowledge, in addition to being known as the Third Grader with blue eyes, he also acquired the nicknof the little goblin who punished people with laps around the track.

Teacher Ren was completely unaware of this, and on the day Yi Xiao found out, he burst into laughter continuously for three classes straight. It was the type of laughter that would break out into goose-like cackles whenever he thought about it. As a result, he was kicked out o the classroom by an exasperated teacher three times that day. Even during the night, he couldn't face Teacher Ren with a straight face.

"...If you keep looking atwith an expression that's on the verge of bursting into laughter any second now but you're holding it in, I'm going to curse you," Ren Zhu said coldly, pulling back his curtains.

However, this expression and that final "curse" seemed to strike a nerve with Yi Xiao, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. He burst into laughter right in front of Ren Zhu.

Ren Zhu's veins twitched, and he pulled out his long-unused notebook, harshly scribbling three or four lines on it. Instantly, Yi Xiao seemed to choke as if someone had grabbed his neck. After a while, he mumbled in frustration, "Didn't you draw one line at a time? Why did you draw several lines at once this time?" Isn't this a bit unfair?

Teacher Ren chuckled, "My notebook, my rules. What's it to you? Keep laughing if you want, go on!"

Yi Xiao: "..." Little goblin, you win. I don't think I can keep laughing.

After a night of sulking and nightmares, early the next morning, Yi Xiao received a message from Zack, the president of the Seventh Grade Student Council:

[Yi Xiao, our big bro, the Chief Battle for ranking starts today. As last year's grade chief, please hurry and secure your spot. Make sure to smack that idiot Suoya's face hard! P.S.: You can bring along your future sister-in-law so he can admire your heroic posture!] Yi Xiao: "..." This seems like a good opportunity to salvage my image and the notebook.