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Child of Destiny

Chapter 497 Preparations And Arrangements (Part 2)
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Shin went to a secluded place to take a quick rest after his continuous attack at his enemies. He barely found this small window to relax, so he was doing everything he could to take advantage of it.

"Hu! Arthur should be doing what I asked them now, so I need to wrap this up quickly," muttered Shin as he took a seat on a broken wall nearby.

At the same time, his Moon and Sun Clones also took a seat not far from him. They were currently wearing the replica of his [Dusk and Dawn Equipment Set] that he was using when he was 'Sickarius'.

,m Earlier, he decided to let his clones disguised as 'Sickarius' since they were not going to disappear as long as they didn't die. The only risk about doing that was the fact that they were also wearing a mask similar to his own. Though, one of them was wearing a mask with a smiling face while the other wore a crying face.

Fortunately, he could hide it from being seen since they could transform to their werewolf forms using the skills of the equipment set.

Before, the Sun and Moon Clones were limited to use his sun and moon-related skills respectively. And they could only access all of his skills if he fused them to become the Eclipse Clone, including his equipment skills.

Because of this, he was forced to upgrade his mask using the Special Enhancement Stone from the rewards that he got from his previous quest where they rescued the real King of the Holy City.

After that upgrade, the [Nephilim's Gemini Mask] didn't gain a new ability. But it at least got an upgrade on every skill that it had.


Item Name: [Nephilim's Gemini Mask]

Item Type: Head Gear

Rank: Special (Race and Class Specific Item)historical


+500 to all stats

Details: This item is specially created for Nephilim. And if a Nephilim equipped this item, they were able to completely hide their identity and information from other beings.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Can only be wear by 'Nephilim'

Additional Abilities:

1.    Spirit Release: Summon 2 copies of yourself where each was wielding the powers of the Sun and Moon respectively and had 100% of all your Stats.

They could also use all of your skills aside from the Eclipse Series and Slayer Skills related to the opposing element that they had.

Note: The Clones could last until they depleted their Health Bars or unless you unsummon them.

Cooldown: 6 hours

2.    Spirit Fusion: Fuse the Sun and Moon Clones and transform them into Eclipse Clone that could wield all of your skills, equipment skills included.

Note: This Clone had 200% of your stats.

Note 2: This Clone could only last for a certain amount of time or until it exhausted all of its HP.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: Default

3.    Spirit Possession: Fuse the Eclipse Clone with your body to gain a 200% increase on your stats and 300% on your movement speed.

Note: This skill could put you in a double weakened state if you used it with another Berserk Skill or Movement Boosting Skills.

Duration: 30 minutes

Cooldown: Default


While Shin was taking a break, he was also studying the flow of the battle outside by looking at the real-time projection of the war through the virtual screen in front of him. And from what he could see, the Central Order was currently at a great disadvantage since they were being pushed back repeatedly.

"Hmm… If this goes on, then those guys will have no other choice but to retreat inside the formation," muttered Shin while looking at the 3D projection in front of him.

A moment later, he started shaking his head repeatedly before mumbling. "Too bad, they could no longer re-enter the formation the moment they got out."

Then he suddenly remembered Legolas who seemed to be leading the defending force outside the formation. "What a shame. I somehow like that guy – it is quite easy to talk about business with him."

After that, he started organizing his inventory to see how many potions he had left before looking at the digital clock that was indicating the current progress of his quest.

"Tsk! There are still 2 hours left? Why do I feel that time keeps on getting slower?" he muttered before getting ready for another round of slaughtering his enemies.

But before he could even walk out from his hiding place, he suddenly received a call from Arthur. "That's quite fast."

"How is it?" asked Shin immediately after answering the call.

"Tsk! You better not get caught later or else all of us are dead – real-world or in-game doesn't matter," said Arthur the moment he heard Shin's nonchalant tone.

And after a quick pause, he immediately added. "I heard that she beat the Junior Monster of the Leon Tribe one-sidedly."

Then Arthur's chatty attitude was suddenly awoken and about to start saying whatever entered his head. But before he could even open his mouth, Shin immediately shut him up by saying. "I asked you what happened."

"Tsk! Boring as always," muttered Arthur before continuing. "Anyway, everything goes just like you have expected. In fact, it is much smoother than we are expecting."

Hearing that, Shin suddenly raised his eyebrow a little before asking. "So, when are they going to arrive in the designated spot?"

Arthur thought for a moment before replying. "Well, that is something that I am not sure. Big Sis only said that she can send such wagons that we are looking for. But she said that they need to check the location first before sending them."

"After all, those kinds of machinery cost quite a lot of fortune. So, they need to find a safe place to transport them first."

Then Shin fell in deep thought after hearing that before muttering with a soft voice. "We still have 2 hours left to complete the ceremony."

"That is quite long for us who are going to defend it. But it is too short for Big Sis and her crew since they need to get as many Mana Stones as they can."

Seeing the trouble look on Shin's face, Arthur suddenly grinned from ear to ear before saying with a mysterious tone. "You don't have to worry about that since it is not our job. What's more, this kind of situation is one of the specialties of the 'Hand of Midas Guild'."

"You will be shocked when you fully understand their true capabilities," he added sneeringly.

Shin remained silent as he could feel a little uneasy after hearing that. But since he couldn't pinpoint what exactly was bothering him, he could only hold that thought for now and proceed to the current matter at hand.

"Since that is the case, we need to focus on our current task. Just contact me immediately if something unexpected comes up," he said before quickly hanging up.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Meanwhile, in the Teleportation Hall of the Death City, Shiella and her group finally arrived in the city after making some preparations on their side.

Right after arriving, the group immediately noticed that the tense atmosphere surrounding the whole place.


"Are these guys holding a funeral? What's with the heavy atmosphere?" said Tinker the moment he sensed the gloomy feeling looming around the hall.

"Where is the 'coffee party' then?" asked Black Hammer with a sarcastic tone.

Realizing that the two were going to start bickering each other once again, Shiella immediately shut them up by saying. "We are here for business, so you two better watch your attitudes and don't attract any attention later. Or else, I will deduct all of the losses that we are going to suffer on your incomes."

Both Tinker and Black Hammer immediately shut their mouths as they could gamble anything with each other but not their monthly payment, especially if it was a deduction from their guild leader.

After making sure that these two troublemakers were going to behave themselves, Shiella turned her head to the other side before asking. "How are the others? Are they already in their positions?"

Hearing that, Delusive Smile immediately nodded her head and answered. "Yes, Young Miss. The other already checked the place ahead of time, so there is nothing to worry about."

"So, how is it? Anything to take note of?" Shiella asked while starting to walk towards the exit of the Teleportation Hall.

Delusive Smile nodded her head once again before answering. "Everything seemed to be fine so far. The other Powerhouses are too focused on the war at the Ancient Ruins just like what we are expecting. But to make sure that we haven't overlooked anything, I send our best scouts to survey the surroundings."

"Good," said Shiella before silently leading the group to walk out of the Teleportation Hall.

But when the group set their feet out of the exit, they immediately halted their steps as they sensed a lot of hostile gazes locked at them.


"This is not our fault, right?" said Tinker while trying to locate all of the owners of those gazes.

"We haven't done anything yet, so it is definitely not our fault," replied Black Hammer while nodding his head.

On the other hand, Shiella took a helpless sigh before saying to the others. "Alright, I'll take back what I said earlier. Just make sure to make it quick since we still have a lot of work that we need to do."

Hearing those words, the group suddenly started grinning under the shade of their hoods before slowly moving forward. And from the aura that their bodies were currently emitting, a bloodbath seemed to be going to happen soon, and a huge one at that.
