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Child of Destiny

Chapter 490 Experiencing Defeat For Another Time (Part 1)
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Roar! Roar!

The two dragons were immediately entangled with each other moment they met midair. And right after they clashed, both of them quickly tried to bite each other's neck which led them to wrestle each other in the air.

Meanwhile, Shin and Immortal simultaneously jumped off the heads of their respective dragons the moment those dragons rolled in the air while falling towards the ground.

Then Shin quickly flapped his wings midair to send himself launching towards Immortal. He didn't plan to drag this battle anymore and want it to end as soon as possible.

After all, he could already see his Mana being drained at incredible speed while the duration of his 'Wings of Freedom' was already reaching its end.


Given his current speed, he was able to reach Immortal in just an instant. But the latter was already expecting Shin's move and quickly blinked away before his opponent could even swing his sword.

Immortal knew that summoning such a greater being would consume a lot of mana over time since the same thing was happening to him.

So, he couldn't afford to face Shin head-on since he would also expend an even larger amount of mana if they battled each other at this point in time.

Having a magic-related class that was dependent on using spells, Immortal knew that battling Shin head-on would only put himself at a great disadvantage. So, he rather focused on controlling his Zombie Dragon and saved as much mana as he could rather than initiating a flashy aerial battle with his opponent.

On the other hand, Shin was obviously planning the complete opposite of Immortal's plan. He knew that he currently had the advantage right now.

Most of his skills relied on his stamina which was completely inexhaustible. So, he would obviously have a much higher chance of winning if he forced Immortal to expend more of his mana than just letting this battle be a plain battle of attrition.

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Having that in mind, Shin immediately read the fluctuation of mana in the air to predict where Immortal was going to appear before flying towards that direction with an even greater speed.

With them having a similar thought in mind, a chasing game was started immediately with Immortal running away and Shin chasing after him. And that scene gave the spectators a strange feeling on their chest.

The clashing dragons was an epic sight to see since it was very rare for them to watch that kind of battle. But seeing the great Lich God on the run with a rookie ranker who recently got his own title on his tail, was an unexpected sight for all of them.

In the eyes of everyone, Immortal was a notorious villain who was feared by most players of the game. He was known for being cunning, ruthless, and cruel.

Every player would always shudder in fear just by hearing his name or even his guild. And whoever tried to mess with him would always have a bad ending which was either being chased by his underlings endlessly or hunted down by Immortal himself.

But ironically, the current scene that they were currently watching on their virtual screens was the complete opposite of it.

The sight of the two flying in the sky was quite epic to watch since Shin and Immortal looked like a pair of planes flying in the air. And coupled with the pair of dragons wrestling each other, the scene became even more stunning when someone saw it.

But compared to the strange feeling that everyone was currently experiencing, there was a single person who was seeing the scene very differently.

He was staring intensely at his screen with his eyes locked on the dragons battling in the air.

'Tsk! How come these guys can summon a badass dragon despite their levels and lack of awakening skills? What's more, those two are rare ones at that! If only I am in that field and I can examine them up-close!' shouted Arthur inside his head while staring at the pair of dragons with sparkling eyes.

He then fell in deep thought and said to himself. 'I guess I need to have a good talk with Shin later.'

From that look on his face, he seemed to forget that he was currently having a live stream regarding the ongoing watch. And he only regained his senses when a viewer in the chat made a donation notification.

Hearing that, he immediately came back to his usual attitude and started talking about the fight. Though, he didn't forget to praise the unique powers of the Zombie Dragon and the majestic figure of the Eclipse Dragons that were battling in the air.

These two dragons had an equal battle prowess which was why their battle in the air was dragging for quite a long time while Shin and Immortal were circling around them.

Due to the battle being dragged longer than they had expected, both Shin and Immortal were already running out of gas.

Immortal was already running low on mana because he kept on casting a blink to get away from his opponent and maintain the distance between the two of them.

Moreover, he also needed to cast a couple of offensive spells to ward off Shin every time was about to catch up with him. And due to that, he expended quite a lot of mana for the last few minutes.

Meanwhile, Shin was also nearing the end of his rope. The duration of the 'Wings of Freedom' was already reaching its end, so he started to feel the pressure of being tight in time.

If he didn't manage to catch Immortal as soon as possible, then the result of this match was surely going to be against his favor.

Thinking about that, Shin quickly took a quick glance at his skill bar, trying to look for a suitable skill that he could use to catch Immortal off-guard.

He could no longer rely on his movement and teleportation skills since Immortal was always on guard on those skills. His sword swapping was not going to work either.

After all, he was already using the 'Mondi's Style' for quite some time, so it was natural for his opponent to adjust to his quick-changing sword style.

Moreover, he already revealed all of the cards that he could afford to show, so he was not sure how he was going to deal with this current situation. And if he used more of the skill set meant for his other identity, then it was really going to risk himself at exposing the truth about 'Sickarius' and the 'Nameless Swordsman'.

Using a couple of skills was still fine since there were countless skills in the game which had the same visual effects, descriptions, and skill executions. But if he used more than what he already showed, then hiding his other identity was going to be much harder in the future.

While he was caught in that difficult dilemma, his eyes were suddenly attracted to a pair of skills in the Equipment Skill Panel.

After that, he took a quick glance at the two dragons wrestling in the air before taking another look at the pair of skills that he saw. And that was when his head started working at a fast rate to formulate a plan.

It didn't take long for him to lay out the most plausible plan in the easiest way possible. And when he was done, he immediately changed the direction of his flight before charging towards the two dragons.

Meanwhile, Immortal suddenly got confused when he saw Shin heading towards the battling dragons. But regardless of his confusion, he still got a bad feeling about that sight which was why he immediately chased after Shin, trying to see what was going to happen.


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At first, Immortal was thinking that Shin was trying to lure by attacking the Zombie Dragon's weak points while the Eclipse Dragon was keeping it busy. After all, it was such a basic strategy for this kind of David-vs-Goliath battle.

But after taking a closer look at his opponent's movements, Immortal could easily tell that there was more to it that he couldn't see. And on top of that, his instincts as a strategist kept on bothering him that there was something more into it than what he could see on the surface.

Having that in mind, he immediately accelerated his flying speed and sent a couple of spells towards Shin, trying to test the waters.

The trajectories of those spells were perfectly calculated as they flew through the air with strange pathing and tricky timings.

But despite that being that case, Shin was able to dodge all of them by doing some flashy and crazy aerial maneuvers during his flight.

Immortal cast a couple more spells to check if his instincts were telling him the right thing. And when he saw that Shin totally ignored him and continued to fly towards the two dragons, Immortal became sure that his opponent was really planning something big.

Given that, he decided to do the same and exhaust all of his reserves just to stop Shin from executing his plan. He even stood on top of the Zombie Dragon's head just to save more of his mana so that he could focus on attacking Shin and send as many spells as possible.

At the same time, Immortal also executed quite a few of his 'Offensive Combat Techniques' while using his spells alongside them. From those actions alone, the viewers could easily tell that he was already going all-out on this final standoff.

Meanwhile, Shin did everything he could just to dodge every spell that was coming his way. But despite successfully dodging all of the spells sent by Immortal, his head was already getting dizzy due to the continuous usage of the aerial variations of his 'Combat Techniques'.

Shin already knew that he was already reaching his limit when he felt that headache assaulting his head. He tried to shake it off a couple of times but it quickly came back in just a few seconds.

Due to that, he decided to slow down his speed a little. But because of the sudden deceleration, a spell accidentally hit his wings which led him to lose his balance in the air.

Shin did everything he could to regain his balance but no matter how hard he rolled, spun, and flipped in the air; he could no longer take back his steady footing unlike earlier. Especially when he was also busy dodging the incoming spells.


With another mistake, Shin was hit by another spell which made him completely lose control over his body. And before he could even do anything to regain himself, black shackles suddenly appeared out of nowhere and wrapped on his body to prevent him from moving.

After that, he was suddenly teleported right in the middle of the two dragons who were currently in the middle of charging their mouths with mana for another dragon's breath.

'Zombie Dragon's Breath: Ghost Flame'

'Eclipse Dragon's Breath: Unity Ray'

And the next thing that the spectators saw was Shin being trapped in the middle of those opposing breaths before being engulfed by them after a second.

