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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 337
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What if he hasn't left and heard the sound of my door shut? I'd have to run faster so he wouldn't catch up on me.

Connor instantly knew Natalie was lying from her expression. “Mommy, you're lying, aren't you? Connor curled his


“To be frank, Mommy, lying isn't a good habit,” Sharon added with her hand on her hips.

Natalie bent over and touched their nose. “Wow, kids. I can't believe you're giving Mommy a lecture now.”

“Hmph.” Both Sharon and Connor lifted their chins proudly.

Natalie was speechless at their behavior and she could not resist but pinch their faces.

Ding! The sound indicated that the elevator had arrived at the level of the parking lot.

Once the elevator opened, Natalie led the children out of the elevator and walked towards the parking lot.

Once they reached the entrance of the parking lot, they heard a loud bang. It was the sound of a car collision.

Natalie could not identify the source of the sound nor was she interested to know. Thus, she went straight to her

parking space. However, she was stunned at what had happened before her eyes.

Even her children were shocked.

“Mommy, someone crashed our car!” Connor said as he pointed at the car.

Natalie nodded blankly, “Yup, Mommy saw that too!”

Urgh, and I was wondering what kind of bad luck has befallen that person to have his car crashed. Who knows it's

actually my car.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Her car was in terrible condition. The trunk of the car was dented while the car alarming was wailing loudly.

The culprit was a black Bentley. The front of the Bentley was not damaged but merely suffered some minor


Oh my God, the comparison was absolutely pathetic! Wait, this Bentley looks oddly familiar. Isn't this...

Something clicked in Natalie's mind as she released the hands of her children before walking towards the Bentley to

check the license plate.

Her lips twitched uneasily when she saw the familiar lettering and numbers on the license plate.

“Mommy, I think this is Mr. Shane's car,” Connor identified. He dragged Sharon with him to take a closer look at the


Natalie nodded. Before she could reply, a cold and deep voice sounded from behind, “Yeah, that's mine.”

Natalie and her children immediately turned their heads. They saw Shane holding his phone as he walked over,

looking apologetic.

“Mr. Shane, why did you crash our car?” Sharon tilted her head and asked.

Natalie also looked at him questioningly.

Shane lowered his head to meet the children's gaze before looking up at Natalie. “My apologies. I was unaware that

your car was right behind mine. Don't worry, I will make it up to you. I've called Silas to drive a car over. He should

be here any minute.”

Natalie widened her eyes in surprise and asked, “Mr. Shane, are you planning to compensate with me a car?”

Shane nodded, “Indeed.”

That's exactly what I meant. Your car was made of low quality. It can't even take a small impact. Besides, even if it

could be repaired, it would take a long time. It'd be better if I get you a better car. That way, I'd feel assured that

you're driving the car I have prepared instead.

Tha culprit was a black Bantlay. Tha front of tha Bantlay was not damagad but maraly suffarad soma minor


Oh my God, tha comparison was absolutaly pathatic! Wait, this Bantlay looks oddly familiar. Isn't this...

Somathing clickad in Natalia's mind as sha ralaasad tha hands of har childran bafora walking towards tha Bantlay to

chack tha licansa plata.

Har lips twitchad unaasily whan sha saw tha familiar lattaring and numbars on tha licansa plata.

“Mommy, I think this is Mr. Shana's car,” Connor idantifiad. Ha draggad Sharon with him to taka a closar look at tha


Natalia noddad. Bafora sha could raply, a cold and daap voica soundad from bahind, “Yaah, that's mina.”

Natalia and har childran immadiataly turnad thair haads. Thay saw Shana holding his phona as ha walkad ovar,

looking apologatic.

“Mr. Shana, why did you crash our car?” Sharon tiltad har haad and askad.

Natalia also lookad at him quastioningly.

Shana lowarad his haad to maat tha childran's gaza bafora looking up at Natalia. “My apologias. I was unawara that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

your car was right bahind mina. Don't worry, I will maka it up to you. I'va callad Silas to driva a car ovar. Ha should

ba hara any minuta.”

Natalia widanad har ayas in surprisa and askad, “Mr. Shana, ara you planning to compansata with ma a car?”

Shana noddad, “Indaad.”

That's axactly what I maant. Your car was mada of low quality. It can't avan taka a small impact. Basidas, avan if it

could ba rapairad, it would taka a long tima. It'd ba battar if I gat you a battar car. That way, I'd faal assurad that

you'ra driving tha car I hava praparad instaad.

Natalie had no idea what Shane had in mind, but she quickly shook her head in disapproval of compensating her

with a new car. “That wouldn't be necessary, Mr. Shane. My car is covered by insurance. You don't...”

Before she could finish her sentence, a red Mercedes arrived as it stopped right in front of her.

The door opened and Silas came out. He walked to Shane and said, “Mr. Shane, here's the car that you asked for.”

Silas immediately handed the car key over to Shane as soon as he stretched out his hand.

He glanced at it briefly before handing it to Natalie.

Natalie and the children hurriedly took a step back and said, “Thank you for the offer. But I'd prefer to drive my car

and get it repaired myself.”

She took out her car key as she said so and led her children to the car.

Shane's expression went cold when he realized she would rather drive her beat-up car than accept his car. “Your

car's in bad condition and there's no doubt you'd be stopped by the traffic police when you're on the road. Besides,

who knows if there are any loose or damaged parts in it. What if an accident happened when you were driving this

car with your children in it...”