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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 654  Class Examinations
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654  Class Examinations

The teacher who had brought her student to the clinic arrived and was horrified to see her students' burnt and trembling state.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?! EMEROS?!" Crea cried out.

But Emeros was nowhere near.

"Teachers! Why did you allow this?!" Crea demanded, and the teachers began to explain. There was no loophole to exploit to blame Emeros and caused Crea to shout and charge for the examination areas while the others stopped her.

Her enraged cry echoed outside, but Emeros and the students arrived at the waiting area along with other students scheduled to take the exams.

The exams were done according to batches. Each batch of students was ranked according to their level and ranking within the school.

The difficulty of the exams was adjusted to the capabilities of each batch.

Each student can take as many exams as needed within five hours. They could move from one room to the other and take the exams.

The students waited while many glared at the arrogant attire of each student.

"How bold, Teacher Emeros."

The teacher that approached was familiar.

"Senior Teacher Zwelus. I didn't expect such an incredible teacher would be on the last bracket of students."

"I've decided to do something else. It's one thing to help students become geniuses when they are already equipped. I wanted to put my title on the line, help students at the bottom of the pool, and see if I could help them reach the top ten thousand." Zwelus smiled.

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"But of course, you, Teacher Emeros, have more problems. If you wear robes of that color, am I to expect your students to miraculously pass?"

"Probably a few. But as a class, they are bound to fail." Emeros chuckled.


"But don't worry. They'll stay in school, and I will remain a teacher."

"Are you also prepared for our teacher's exam? They truly made it annoying. But, interestingly, I will feel like a student."


"...You don't know?"


"Everyone is trying to keep you from gaining more positions here. I believe I've already told Alistair this personally. For him to forget..."

"Hmm... It's possible that someone altered his memory. The vows that we took are not easily broken. With what I know about the Crow family, it could be a simple memory-altering or a memory-removing spell that makes the target forget for one second."

"What?! Is that possible?!" Zwelus asked.

"The reports that Alistair sent should have detailed it... Or was it changed without us knowing? Hm... 15:14

Interesting. But anyway, the Crow family can steal memories from another through a secret spell. Though I'm not sure if other families have such abilities. If not a spell related to memory, whoever made Alistair fail to tell me either has to stop the communication or make us forget. So, either a memory or silencing spell that can seal sounds... Other subtle ways could keep me from getting this information..." Emeros smiled.

"It seems a lot of forces are at work here... Who of those Stars of Combat did it, I wonder?" Emeros thought.

"This is bad... The contents of the exams are quite broad and diverse! And to you, the level of exams that would be given would be higher and more difficult! The teachers will be tested one at a time! And finally, the students become the criteria for us to pass!"

"So my students have to pass the test?" Emeros frowned. There would be a problem in his plans if the passing rate was considered.

"Not just pass, but how high the student excelled!"

"Oh... Then there's nothing to worry about." Emeros smiled mysteriously.

"Students! Go into the rooms. The exams will begin at once! Teachers, your test will happen in the Higher Hall of Knowledge."

"Teacher..." The students of Emeros bowed.

"Go. Test yourself and see the limits. Remember, if any of you impress me, a great gift will be given to you." Emeros smiled.

The class ran on their way and went past the first hall.

Many rooms were present.

"Exam room is full! Students take the other exams first!" One of the checkers announced that the first room of Cultivation was full.

Many students began to line up on it. But upon checking, Mackerel realized that the students would have

Mackerel frowned as he saw it.

"So it's not just about us taking exams... This is a race to get the easy exams first. These students have decided to make the Cultivation Theory exam one of their tests since it is easy..." Mackerel saw it.

"Then I guess I have to play with strengths... Teacher Emeros told us the plan and how we could beat it, but since everyone hates us, we will face obstacles every step of the way. So the best thing to do is for us to pass as a class even if our plan is to challenge another!" Mackerel thought to himself and moved to other rooms.

The students would move from one classroom to the next according to their schedule and take the exams among different types of exams.

The subjects of the exams covered numerous fields.

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There were Cultivation Exams that encompassed numerous Paths of Cultivation. Cultivation levels, techniques, and other battle-related lessons were there. The exams were divided according to battle types, Force, or Magic and would have further subdivided into job classes.

These exams were geared for students who wanted to become Star of Combats of the Floating Continents. Like the other Stars, a single star of the Continents above the Sky would equal a three-star Star of Combat. And this was the most common path that most students took.

The other exam type was Creation Exams, which focused on the Paths of Creation. The exams were subdivided into several different kinds of Creation. Alchemy, Blacksmith, Circle, and Enchantments.

Each Path of Creation would have numerous types of exams in specializations.

The last category was the Culture Exams. These encompass the Paths of Culture, from art, history, business, economics, and other scholarly exams, covering many unrelated to Cultivation or Creation.

Mackerel quickly ran to the Energy Conversion Circle examination rooms.

He saw several rooms and found the exams of Magical Pathways in the circle.

Without hesitation, Mackerel entered the room.

The checkers were students of higher years who had to be of high ranks and know how to take the test. The checker glanced at Mackerel and frowned.

"What is a Vashura student doing here? Get out!" The checker mocked.

Mackerel knew this would happen and already did as was discussed.

"By ordered decree of Teacher Emeros, I invoke a Teacher's Judgment to scan this Checker of abuse, negligence, and down-right stupidity to not know that we, the Vashuras, were to take the test." Mackerel held out a strange glyph, and it began to resonate.

The glyph was a teacher's emblem and acted to quickly inform the higher-ups. But these were only granted to a few students.

Around the large hall, the other students were also doing the steps that Emeros ordered them.

The other teachers outside were startled as the calls for Teacher Judgment began to ring out, one after the other.

The teachers were all amazed.

"Er... Teacher Emeros. Those Teacher's Judgements..." Zwelus was confused. Every teacher can acquire three emblems that they could gift to their students. But now, the calls and requests for a teacher's Judgment were as many as Emeros's students!"

"Right. I knew this would happen. So, I replicated the Emblem. All my students have one." Emeros smiled.