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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43


The engine hummed softly as the car glided through the late afternoon traffic. The sun painted warm hues on

the horizon, casting a gentle glow inside the car. Jake, strapped securely in his car seat, fidgeted with


“Did you have fun at the park today, Mason?”

He nodded vigorously. “I loved the slide and swing, Mama! It was so fun!

“I'm glad you enjoyed it, buddy.” | smiled at him through the rearview mirror. “We'll have

to go again soon. Maybe we can try the merry-go-round next time.”

“Round and round, Mama! Yeah!”

I laughed at his antics. “Yes baby. Now, we're off to Grandma Athena's house. What do you want to do there?” |

asked, as the traffic light in front ofturned green.

“Cookies!” Mason's face lit up with the promise of sweet treats.

I chuckled, “Cookies it is. Remember, not too much.”

As we approached Athena’s house, a familiar sight on the quiet street, | felt a sense of comfort. The car slowed

to a stop, and | turned to Jake.

“We're here, little buddy. Ready to see Athena?”

“Play with Teddy,” he waved his worn down teddy bear around.

“That sounds like a plan. Let's go see Athena and then you can play with Teddy while | grab a few things, okay?”

Mason beamed, his excitement palpable as | unbuckled him from his car seat. The car door creaked open, and

we stepped out onto the familiar sidewalk. The scent of blooming flowers lingered in the air as we made our way

to Athena’s welcoming door.

As we entered, the aroma of something delicious cooking filled the air, and Mason's eyes lit up.

“Donnie! You're back.” Athena uttered.

Athena cout of the kitchen and took Mason from me.


Chapter 43

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“Hey, Athena. Jake and | had a great tat the park. How's everything here?”

“All good, dear. Maso", did you have fun with mommy?”

“Uh huh,” he replied, his gaze focused on his toy.

As Mason settled into playtwith Teddy, Athena and | exchanged smiles.

“I'll be right back, Athena. I'm going to get sgroceries.”

But little did | know, the ordinary chore of grocery shopping was about to plungeinto an unexpected


As | walked through the bustling streets, an unsettling feeling crept over me. The sounds of the city beca

distant hum as an instinctual awareness toldsomething was amiss. Ignoring the uncase, | quickened my

pace, the grocery list in my hand a mundane distraction from the growing tension.

Unknown to me, a shadowy group of men had begun to tail my every move. Their intentions remained shrouded

in mystery as 1 approached a quiet corner, the dimly lit street revealing the clandestine nature of my


It happened suddenly. A swift movement, and before | could react, a blindfold covered my eyes. Panic surged

throughas | struggled against an invisible force, my instincts urgingto fight. But they were relentless,

overpoweringwith a strength that caughtoff guard.

The world aroundbeca disorienting blur of muffled sounds and uneven footsteps. The blindfold, a cruel

shroud, robbedof my ability to navigate or understand the unfolding situation. Questions swirled in my mind

- who were these men, and why had they targeted me?

A vehicle pulled up, and | was ushered into its confined space. The cold metal of restraints tightened around my

wrists, rendering any attempt at resistance futile. Fear and frustration intermingled withinas the vehicle

sped away, leavingenveloped in the chilling uncertainty of my captors’ intentions.

The journey was disorienting, punctuated by turns and stops that leftfeeling vulnerable and isolated. As time

blurred, | replayed the events leading to this moment, searching for any hint or clue that could unravel the

mystery of my abduction.

In the midst of my fear, a surge of determination coursed through me. | silently vowed that if an opportunity

arose, | would seize it with every ounce of strength | could muster. The wellbeing of Mason, waiting innocently at

home, fueled my resolve to

Chapter 43

escape this ominous predicament.

Finally, the vehicle canie to a halt, and | was guided out, the blindfold still shrouding my vision. The ait telt

different, and | strained to discern any recognizable sounds or landmarks. The unknown loomed, and with every

step, | clung to the hope that Athena's wisdom and the strength withinwould navigatethrough this

unforeseen ordeal.

The moment my eyes fluttered open, | found myself in an underground basement. The air was thick with an acrid

scent, unmistakably that of wolfsbane. Panic grippedas | scanned the dim surroundings, my senses on high


Focusing my eyes, | saw Raina standing before me. The dim light revealed a malicious. glint in her eyes, a

chilling reflection of the threat she posed. We had argued fiercely before. Raina threateningto leave Carlyle

for her. But I, driven by the unwavering bond we shared, refused to yield.

The air crackled with tension as Donnie and Raina faced each other, the dimly lit room amplifying the charged


Donnie’s gaze bore a mix of defiance and determination, her eyes locked onto Raina’s. “You need to understand,

Raina. Carlyle and | share a bond that goes beyond your obsession. He's my mate, and nothing you do will

change that.”

Raina’s expression twisted into a sneer, her voice dripping with venom.

“You're delusional, Donnie. Carlyle deserves someone who can give him what he truly needs. You're holding him


A flash of anger crossed Donnie’s features, but she held her ground.

“What he needs is not your concern. Our connection is strong, and he loves me. Your attempts to break us apart

won't succeed.”

Raina took a step closer, her eyes narrowing. “You think you're so special, but you're just a hindrance. Carlyle

could have so much more without you.”

“Don’t mistake possessiveness for love, Raina. Carlyle and | have something real, something you'll never

understand,” Donnie retorted, her words cutting through the


Raina’s laughter rang Donnie’s spine.

the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down.

“You're blind, Donnie. Carlyle saved you, but for how long? | can offer him power,


Chapter 43

influence, things you can never provide.”

A flicker of doubt crossed Donnie’s eyes, but she quickly steadied herself. “Carlyle doesn’t seek powes or

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influence. He values love, trust, and loyalty things you seem incapable of understanding.”

Raina’s gaze turned icy as she leaned in, her voice low and threatening. “You might have. Carlyle now, but it

won't last. I'll make sure he sees you for what you truly are a weakness he can’t afford.”

“Don’t underestimate our bond, Raina. Love is not a weakness; it's our strength,” Donnie asserted, her resolve


The pungent aroma of wolfsbane grew stronger, and | realized the peril | was in. My instincts screamed danger,

and | braced myself for the impending threat. Before | could react, the toxic substance began to cascade toward

me, a cruel attempt to strip away my strength and resilience.

“You had a way out of this Donnie. But you chose this,” Raina said.

Before the toxic liquid could rain down on me, a sudden commotion erupted. The basement door burst open,

flooding the room with blinding light. Through the haze, | saw a figure, strong and defiant, stepping into my line

of sight.

“Release her,” a commanding voice echoed through the cold space. It was Carlyle, the Alpha, my mate. His eyes

burned with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

Raina hesitated for a moment, caught off guard. In that fleeting second, Carlyle lunged forward, shielding me

from the impending harm. The wolfsbane poured over him, his body absorbing the poison meant for me.

“Carlyle!” | cried out, the realization of what he had done hittinglike a ton of bricks. The room echoed with

his pained growls as he crumpled to the ground, the wolfsbane taking its toll on his once-majestic form.

Disbelief and gratitude washed overas Carlyle, wounded and weakened, bore the brunt of the wolfsbane

meant for me. The gravity of his sacrifice resonated deep within, and | struggled to comprehend the lengths to

which he would go to protect me..

Raina, thwarted in her malicious endeavor, recoiled in frustration. The air crackled with tension as Carlyle,

despite his injuries, stood defiantly betweenand the threat. His gaze, filled with a fierce determination,

mirrored my own unwavering commitment to our bond.

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Chapter 43


In the midst of the turmoil, a profound realization settled within me. Carlyle’s love was a steadfast shield against

the storms that sought to tear us apart. His sacrifice beca testament to the resilience of our connection,

standing as a bulwark against those who sought to unravel the threads that bound us together.

As the underground basement echoed with the aftermath of our confrontation, Raina’s obsession and malice

hung in the air like a lingering storm. Yet, in that moment of adversity, Carlyle’s unwavering presence beca

beacon of strength, a symbol of love. that withstood even the most venomous threats.

Amidst the shadows, our bond remained unbroken, tested but undefeated. The scars of the wolfsbane, both

physical and emotional, marked the battlefield where love triumphed over obsession, and unity prevailed against

the dark forces that sought to sow discord.