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Alpha Dom and His Human Surrogate by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 397
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#Chapter 397 – A New Home Ella

A few days later, after Sinclair and I have had some time to dwell and consult and decide, we invite

Roger and Cora over to our little house early one morning. We’re both standing out front waiting for

them, Rafe all dressed up in blue and white in my arms.

I grin down at my baby, so pleased to finally be back home, to be able todresshim in all of the clothes I

ordered for him during my long weeks of bedrest. This kid has an amazing wardrobe already, but of

course he wasn’t able to wear it – and heartbreakingly grew out of some of it during our time away in

the bunker.

“He’s getting really big,” I murmur to Sinclair, shifting my baby higher in my arm. “Theyouin him is

starting to come out.”

Sinclair grins and looks down at the baby. “He’ll be six feet in no time. My little linebacker.” “Better not

be,” I grumble, but I’m unable to help from smiling down at my little cutie. “He needs to stay my little

beachball baby for awhile yet. At least another sixteen years. ” “Don’t count on it,” Sinclair sighs. “I got

my growth spurt early. He’ll be taller than you by fourth grade.” “No,” I gasp, spinning to look up at him

in horror. My mate just shrugs, laughing at me and implying that it’s inevitable, but then he lifts his chin

towards the driveway where Roger’s car is pulling in. I take a deep breath as I turn to watch them, and

then I consider something out loud. ” Do you know,” I say, “I’ve never actually seen Roger’s apartment.”

They’ve been staying there for the past few days, Cora happy to abandon her own rather bland

apartment. “You’re better off,” Sinclair replies, raising his eyebrows. “Bachelor city.” “Neon signs?” I

ask, wrinkling my nose. ( Collection of commemorative beer glasses?” “Everything you’re imagining,”

Sinclair sighs, sinking his hands into his pockets as Cora and Roger park and climb out of their car, and

worse.” “Barf,” I murmur, and then I look back down at my baby again.

“Don’t worry, Rafey. We’ll never let you live like that.” “Hi!” Cora says cheerfully, coming over to us and

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kissing me on the cheek before snatching Rafe out of my arms, cooing to her godson and saying hello.

“What, nothing for me?” Sinclair says, grinning – while he’s clearly pleased that she, like us, loves the

baby so much, he’s not turning away the opportunity to tease her. Cora just waves a dismissive hand at

Sinclair while Roger likewise kisses me on the cheek and gives his brother a hug. “Is there breakfast?”

Roger asks. “Cora can’t cook. I’m starving – haven’t eaten for days.”

“My skills lay elsewhere!” Cora calls over her shoulder, dancing away a little to show Rafe some of the

little flowers that are starting to sprout up in the garden. ” Sure,” Sinclair says, laughing and nodding

towards the open door behind us. “Come on in. We made some changes we’re curious to see what you

think.” “Really?” Roger asks as the three of us troupe in together, Cora following behind with the baby.

“You weren’t satisfied with the blood-and- horror theme that you’d gone with in your bedroom?”

But his mouth falls open, his saucy attitude leaving him as he looks around the living room at the

entrance of our house, which has been completely redecorated in shades of blue and grey with

luxurious brown leather furniture. “Wow,” he says, his eyes going wide. “You guys you really worked

fast with some changes,” “Do you like them?” I ask eagerly, winding my arm tightly around Sinclair’s as

Cora comes to my side.

“Iloveit,” she says, looking around at the antique Audubon bird prints that we’ve used to decorate the

walls. “It’s so…simple, and chic. But also warm.” She looks at me with both love and jealousy in her

eyes. “You’re so good at this stuff, Ella,” she sighs. “I wish I could do this.”

“It’s a gift,” I say, laughing as I throw my hair over my shoulder. “Come look upstairs!” And then I grab

her hand and pull her and the baby after me. I can hear Roger and Sinclair following behind us. “I see

that you’ve kept the stair lift,” Cora murmurs, laughing a little. “Well, that’s useful for Henry,” I say as we

reach the top of the steps, tossing a grin over my shoulder. “Plus, very fun.” Then I pull her into the

bedroom, which has likewise been totally redone in a thousand shades of white, beige, and blush. Cora

gasps when she sees the gigantic bed with its too-plush comforter, the cozy white fur rug, even the

electric fireplace that we’ve had installed on one wall. “Oh my god,” she sighs, stepping into the room

and turning around. Then, she sees the closet, which we’ve had. completely refitted to better

accommodate two people’s clothing.

“This is incredible,” Roger agrees, stepping into the room and looking around with what I can only think

of as jealousy in his own eyes. I clap a little, jumping up at down as I see them admire the space.

“Though I have to admit,” he says, turning back to his brother. “This doesn’t feel asyouas the last room


Sinclair just shrugs, a little smirk on his lips. “We decided it was time for a change.” “Ella,” Cora says,

frowning as she peeks into the closet – which now has a chandelier, a station for jewelry, and a full-

length mirror…but no clothing in it, not a single piece. “Why… why is this empty?” She turns back to the

room as well. “And where is all of Rafe’s stuff? His changing table – his bassinet -” And I squeal a little

bit as I see her figuring out our surprise.

“We decided,” Sinclair repeats, “that it was time for a ratherbigchange.”

Cora stares at us confused. But Roger gasps, putting it all together faster than his mate. “Oh, my god,”

he moans, stumbling back a step and looking around at the room again. He focuses, in particular, on

the painting that we placed above the fireplace. It’s subtle still in light colors to match the rest of the

room – but clearly portrays a summer storm above a forest. “No, guys – you didn’t -” ”

What?” Cora asks again, coming to my side, and I take her hand. “We’re moving into the palace, Cora,”

I say softly, beaming at her. “We want…we did all of this for you.” “What!?” she gasps, apparently

unable to think of any other words as she raises a shaky hand to her mouth. “What are you what do

you…” And then she turns in the room, looking around at everything – all of the things I picked out just

for her. And I feel a thrill of joy radiate out from my heart as I watch my sister’s eyes fill with tears.

“We’ll get you all the baby stuff,” I say quietly, “a little later. But we thought…for now, you might want to

just settle in the two of you…” “It’s too much,” Roger says, sitting down hard on the bed as he

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continues to stare around the room, shaking his head. “Dominic – we can’t -” “You have to,” Sinclair

says with a shrug. “Paperwork’s all finished. It’s out of my hands now – your problem.”

He smacks his hands together as if dusting them off, proving his point as he smiles at his brother.

“Ella,” Cora says, a little sob hitching in her throat as she steps close to me and lets me wrap my arms

around her.

“I’m so happy to be able to give you a home, Cora,” I whisper to her. “What we always wanted as kids.

What webothhave now.

At that, she really does burst into sobbing tears, and I laugh and hold her close, feeling a couple slip

down my cheeks as well. I look over at Roger, feeling a little undone to see him wiping at his own eyes.

“Thanks, Dominic,” he says, and I grin at the fact that the brother we usually can’t get to shut up has

nothing left to say. “This was…this was so nice.” “We love you, brother,” Dominic says, patting his back

and looking down at him. “You do have to name the kid after me, though.” “No way!” Cora protests

through her sobs, not letting that slide. “Middle name,” Roger murmurs, smiling up at his brother. “For

sure.” And Dominic laughs, and so do I.

Our eyes meet and I don’t even need to pass an emotion down the bond to know that he feels exactly

the same as me: so grateful for our siblings, so excited for them, and so, sohappy to be able to give

them their first home in which to raise their child.

“Thanks for getting me out of that apartment,” Cora murmurs into my neck, making me laugh. “It was so

bad.” “Which one?” I ask, grinning. ” Yours or his?” “Both,” she sighs. “Does this mean you two are

moving into the palace?” Roger asks, finding his feet again and taking a steadying breath.” Yup,”

Sinclair replies, wrapping an arm around his brother’s shoulders, “Right after breakfast.”

“Oh, so there really is food,” Cora says, lifting her head and looking a little eagerly towards the door.

“You two,” I say, shaking my head and walking with her over to it.” You’re going to have to learn how to

feed yourselves. And the baby.” “We’ll play it by ear,” she concedes, grinning, and then we all head

down the steps for our final meal in our house.

Or, I think, smiling to myself, the first of many in Roger and Cora’s.